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ASSIA@PAAMS 2025 : Workshop on Adaptive Smart areaS and Intelligent Agents | |||||||||||||
Link: https://www.paams.net/tracks/workshops/assia | |||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||
Call for Papers Workshop on Adaptive Smart areaS and Intelligent Agents (ASSIA) held in conjunction with PAAMS 2024 June 25-27, 2025 (exact date tbc) Lille, France URL: https://www.paams.net/tracks/workshops/assia ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Submission deadline: March 21, 2025 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPE In this workshop, we want to discuss technological solutions for Adaptive Smart Areas, geo-positioned locations with a high need for sensorization, which facilitates their adaptation to significant changes in environmental conditions. Proposed solutions should facilitate decision-making of independent entities fostering collaboration and coordination among them to improve available resources or increase their efficiency in a specific area (cities, buildings, villages, farms, forests, etc...). Adaptive Smart Areas represent a new way of thinking about any kind of space by shaping a model that integrates aspects like energy efficiency, sustainable mobility, protection of the environment, and economic sustainability. These areas provide potentially unlimited settings for intelligent agents to display their ability to react, act proactively, interact between themselves, or otherwise plan, learn, etc., in an intelligent, or somewhat human, manner. Therefore, this workshop aims to discuss the use of agent technology for Adaptive Smart Areas to provide intelligence to any of these areas. We welcome any paper about experiences on the use of agents in Adaptive Smart Areas tackling issues related to smart architectures, simulations, intelligent infrastructure, smart transport, robotics, open data, … We also intend to address specific methodological and technological issues raised by the real deployment of agents in Adaptive Smart Areas. TOPICS OF INTEREST Topics that could be relevant for the workshop include specially applications, but also theoretical approaches, based (but not limited) on: - Smart city modeling - Smart city simulation - Precision agriculture - Smart farming - Intelligent infrastructures - Sensors and actuators - ML-enabled predictive and analytic solutions - Intelligence applications and crop monitoring - Smart health and emergency management - Smart environments - Smart education - Smart health - Smart mobility and transportation - Intelligent vehicles - Ethical and legal issues in Adaptive Smart Areas - Cloud and edge assisted applications - Agricultural robotics - Data sharing and privacy - Cost-efficient wireless sensor nodes, network architecture, and implementation - New environment sensor technologies SUBMISSIONS ASSIA 2025 welcomes original, unpublished papers. All submissions must be written in English, be formatted using Springer LNCS style and must not exceed 12 pages including figures and references. The style is available at the following links: Microsoft word format (https://resource-cms.springernature.com/springer-cms/rest/v1/content/19238706/data/v5) and LaTeX Format (https://resource-cms.springernature.com/springer-cms/rest/v1/content/19238648/data/v8). An Overleaf page for LaTeX users is available at Overleaf template (https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/springer-lecture-notes-in-computer-science/kzwwpvhwnvfj#.WuA4JS5uZpi) All proposed papers must be submitted in electronic form (PDF format) using the PAAMS conference management system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=paams25 Only the PDF of the manuscript is required for the first submission. Each submission will undergo a single-blind peer-review process with three peer reviews. Submission details can be found at the PAAMS webpage https://www.paams.net/submission CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Accepted papers will be included in PAAMS Proceedings, published by Springer. At least one of the authors will be required to register and attend the symposium to present the paper in order to include the paper in the Workshop Proceedings. All accepted papers will be published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. *** Indexing: The books of LNAI and CCIS as part of LNCS series of Springer are made available to the following indexing services: Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), part of Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science, EI Engineering Index (Compendex and Inspec databases), ACM Digital Library, DBLP, Google Scholar, IO-Port, MathSciNet, Scopus and Zentralblatt MATH. **** IMPORTANT DATES Deadline: --7th March, 2025-- 21st March, 2025 Workshop deadline: 21st March, 2025 Notification of acceptance: 25th April, 2025 Camera-Ready papers: 9th May, 2025 Conference Celebration: 25th-27th June, 2025 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Vicente Julián- Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain) Adriana Giret - Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain) Carlos Carrascosa - Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain) Sara Rodríguez - Universidad de Salamanca (Spain) Fernando de la Prieta - Universidad de Salamanca (Spain) Alberto Fernández - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain) Holger Billhardt - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain) Marin Lujak - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain) |