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Humanities Review 2014 : Mediation and Conjunction: The Restless Middle


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Apr 4, 2014
Notification Due Apr 4, 2014
Final Version Due Apr 4, 2014
Categories    literature   interdisciplinary   ecocriticism

Call For Papers

The Humanities Review seeks to analyze the ways in which disparate dialectical poles (such as Nature and Culture) are mediated, and in which disparate fields of knowledge conjoin.

To this end, we are seeking scholarly articles that examine the way supposed distinctions are constructed and maintained between authentically linked, contiguous, or identical concepts; the consequences of such distinctions; and the implications of their removal.

In a similar and related vein, we are interested in cross-pollination between academic fields which are capable of illuminating both the strengths and oversights of one or both disciplines and shedding new light on new or stagnating issues.

The scope of this issue is necessarily broad, but possible topics include:
Nature v. Culture
The consequences, implications, or dangers inherent in conceiving of Nature as a distinct realm, divorced from human culture and society; defenses of this distinction; or ambivalent positions.

Analysis of Binaries/Distinctions
How do concepts such as "the future" or binaries such as "male/female" shape thinking and events, what possibilities arise from troubling these schemas?

Interdisciplinary Possibilities and Insights
The benefits, drawbacks, and complications of interdisciplinary work; the use of the techniques of one field in another; revelations or possibilities within cross-disciplinary work.

Articles typically range from 4,000-6,000 words. Submissions longer than 10,000 will not be considered. Please double-space manuscripts throughout using Times New Roman or similarly legible 12 pt. font with one-inch margins, a Works Cited page, and, if applicable, endnotes. All submissions must be accompanied by an abstract no longer than 350 words. Submissions should be sent as a Microsoft Word attachment or PDF file via email to Please include abstract and contact information in the body of your email.

Authors must obtain permission for illustrations. All images must be high-resolution and in TIFF format. For other inquiries, contact the Editor at the email above or at (505) 235-9189.

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