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InnoTek 2014 : 2014 IEEE-USA Innovations in Technology Conference (InnoTek2014)


When May 15, 2014 - May 18, 2014
Where Crowne Plaza, Warwick, RI
Submission Deadline Feb 14, 2014
Notification Due Feb 21, 2014
Final Version Due Mar 28, 2014
Categories    biomedical innovation   educational innovation   defense   innovative technology

Call For Papers

Technical Topics to include:

Agile Manufacturing
Biomedical Innovation
Defense and National Security
Educational Innovation
Energy Conversion and Distribution
Marine and Ocean Technology

and will feature distinguished invited speakers in each area. Full papers will be submitted for publication in the IEEE Xplore database. As appropriate for a conference associated with IEEE-USA, topics with policy implications are especially welcome in technologies for innovation.
Papers are solicited for both oral and poster presentations from industry, government and academia (including students) covering relevant research, technologies, methodologies, tools and case studies. The intention of the conference is to explore the comprehensive nature of innovation and to emphasize the role of technology in achieving innovation. The topic listings above are meant to indicate the breadth of the area and are definitely not to be considered exhaustive.

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