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AVoCS 2010 : Automated Verification of Critical Systems


When Sep 20, 2010 - Sep 23, 2010
Where dusseldorf
Submission Deadline Jun 14, 2010
Notification Due Jul 21, 2010
Categories    formal verification

Call For Papers

Call for Papers

The aim of AVoCS 2010 is to contribute to the interaction and exchange of ideas among members of the international research community on tools and techniques for the verification of critical systems. The subject is to be interpreted broadly and inclusively. It covers all aspects of automated verification, including model checking, theorem proving, SAT/SMT/constraint solving, abstract interpretation, and refinement pertaining to various types of critical systems (safety-critical, security-critical, business-critical, performance-critical, etc.). Contributions that describe different techniques, or industrial case studies are encouraged. The technical programme will consist of invited and contributed talks and also allow for short presentations of ongoing work. The workshop will be relatively informal, with an emphasis on discussion. Previous AVoCS workshops were held at the University of Oxford (2001 and 2007), the University of Birmingham (2002), the University of Southampton (2003), the Royal Society in London (2004), the University of Warwick (2005), LORIA, Nancy (2006), the University of Glasgow (2008), Swansea University (2009)

Topics include (but are not limited to)

* Model Checking,
* Automatic and Interactive Theorem Proving,
* SAT, SMT or constraint solving for Verification,
* Abstract Interpretation,
* Specification and Refinement,
* Requirements Capture and Analysis,
* Verification of Software and Hardware,
* Verification of Security-Critical Systems,
* Probabilistic and Real-Time Systems,
* Verified System Development, and
* Industrial Applications.

Important Dates:

Submission of Full Papers: 14. June 2010
Submission of Short Papers: 5. July 2010
Notification: 21. July 2010
Workshop : 20. - 23. September 2010 (co-located with Rodin User and Developer Workshop)
PC chairs
Jens Bendisposto
Michael Leuschel
Markus Roggenbach

Program committee (to be completed)
Jens Bendisposto
Michael Goldsmith
Jan Friso Groote
Thai Son Hoang
Daniel Kroening
Michael Leuschel
Gerald Luettgen
Stephan Merz
Alice Miller
Silvio Ranise
Markus Roggenbach
Aryldo G. Russo Jr.
Thomas Santen
Helen Treharne

Related Resources

ATVA 2024   22nd International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis
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SOMET 2025   24th International Conference on Intelligent Software Methodologies Tools and Techniques
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ICAUAS 2025   2025 International Conference on Advanced Unmanned Aerial Systems (ICAUAS 2025)
ISCSIC 2025   2025 9th International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Control(ISCSIC 2025)
IDEAL 2024   Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning
MODERN SYSTEMS 2025   International Conference of Modern Systems Engineering Solutions
CAV 2025   37th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification