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UCDAS 2014 : The 1st IEEE International Workshop on User Centered Design and Adaptive Systems


When Jul 21, 2014 - Jul 25, 2014
Where Vasteras, Sweden
Submission Deadline Apr 7, 2014
Notification Due Apr 20, 2014
Final Version Due Apr 28, 2014
Categories    software engineering   adaptive interfaces   human-computer interaction   interaction design

Call For Papers


The 1st IEEE International Workshop on User Centered Design and Adaptive Systems, UCDAS 2014, is co-located with COMPSAC 2014, The aim of this Workshop is to introduce the combination of different disciplines to build adaptive systems. Also, to discuss this approach and the state-of-the-art advances in research and development of the construction of user-centered adaptive systems. This Workshop is addressed to researchers from different disciplines in academia and industry, as well as practitioners, who share interests in adaptive systems design and development. The focus will be on the processes and methodologies combining techniques from these disciplines and the experiences drawn from adaptive system design practice, as well as on emergent topics.

UCDAS 2014 Theme

An adaptive system changes to improve its performance by adjusting its operation to the feedback from the users. An adaptive system infers the goals and needs of users from multiple sources of information in terms of activity and interests. Research on adaptive systems should be addressed to identify new means for enriching the user experience through advances in automated reasoning, adaption and user interface design. User models are particularly important. To build adaptive systems, a combination of different disciplines is required, such as usability engineering, human-computer interaction, software engineering, system engineering, psychology, and sociology; each one providing its principles and techniques.

Topics of interest

Fundamentals and design of adaptive systems; User Modeling and Intelligent User Interfaces; Psychological Studies; Novel Input Devices and Sensors; Conversational Systems; Frameworks and Architectures for Adaptive Supporting Platforms; User and Interaction: Information Access, Filtering, and Management; Human-Computer Interaction Design and Visualization; Software Engineering for Adaptive Systems.

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: March 23, 2014
Author notification deadline: April 20, 2014
Camera-ready copy and registration deadline: April 28, 2014

Paper Guidelines

The format of submitted papers should follow the guidelines for the IEEE conference proceedings. Papers should be no more than 6 pages. Please follow the IEEE Computer Society Press Proceedings Author Guidelines in preparing your paper.
For more information of paper guidelines, please visit:

All papers will be carefully reviewed by at least three reviewers.


Papers must be submitted electronically via the UCDAS 2014 Submission Page:

To submit multiple papers, please visit the COMPSAC 2014 “Policy for Authors Submitting Multiple Papers”:

Work publication

The IEEE Computer Society Press will publish accepted papers in the workshop proceedings and IEEE Explore.

At least one of the authors of each accepted paper must register as a participant of the workshop and present the paper at the workshop, in order to have the paper published in the proceedings.

Select papers will be invited to submit an extended version to the International Journal of Universal Access in the Information Society (Springer) (To be confirmed).

Technical committee:

Arnaud Blouin, INSA Rennes, Inria/IRISA, France.
Sophie Dupuy-Chessa, University of Grenoble, France.
Francisco José García Peñalvo, Departamento de Informática y Automática Universidad de Salamanca, Spain.
Marta Sylvia del Río, Universidad de Monterrey, México.
Reyes Juárez Ramírez, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México.
Pradipta Biswas, Cambridge University, UK.
Natalia Vivas Velasco, UX Consultant at Usaria, Practitioners Community Vice-Chair SIGCHI Latam, Colombia.
Ezendu Ariwa, University of Bedfordshire, UK
Gaelle Calvary, Institut polytechnique de Grenoble, France

General Inquiries and Contact

Contact UCDAS organizers at:

UCDAS 2014 chairs:
Reyes Juárez Ramírez,
Andrés Mejía Figueroa,

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