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CSoNet 2014 : Workshop on Computational Social Networks


When Aug 4, 2014 - Aug 5, 2014
Where Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Submission Deadline Mar 10, 2014
Notification Due Apr 5, 2014
Final Version Due Apr 25, 2014
Categories    internet topologies   social networks   biological networks   web graphs

Call For Papers

In the last decade, there has been an explosive growth of research on complex real-world networks, a theme that is becoming pervasive in many disciplines, ranging from mathematics and computer science to the social and biological sciences. Typical complex networks include internet topologies, web graphs, peer-to-peer networks, social networks, biological networks, and economic networks, to name a few. Empirical studies have shown that these networks, though different in nature, all display substantial non-trivial topological features and, interestingly, share a number of significant properties. A lot of research efforts have thus been made towards a deep understanding of complex networks. Computing in social science has recently become one of the central themes across mathematical science, information and communication technology, which attracts significant interest from researchers in mathematics, computer science, system science, and social science. The objective of this workshop is to advance and promote the theoretical foundation, mathematical aspects, and applications of social computing.

The topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:

•Mathematical modeling and analysis

•Real-world complex networks

•Information retrieval in social contexts, political analysts

•Network structure analysis

•Network dynamics optimization

•Complex network robustness and vulnerability

•Information diffusion models and analysis

•Security and privacy

•Searching in complex networks

•Efficient algorithms

Submission instructions:

Authors who are interested in the above topics can submit their unpublished work to this workshop via Easychair ( A clear indication of the motivation and comparison with prior related work should be presented. Simultaneous submission to a journal or another conference with refereed proceedings is not allowed.

Submissions must adhere to the following guidelines.

•Papers must be formatted using LNCS style file without altering margins or the font point.

•The maximum length of paper (including references) is 10 pages.

•Proofs omitted due to space constraints must be placed in an appendix to be read by the program committee members at their discretion.

Accepted papers will be published in LNCS along with main papers of COCOON 2014 We will select some papers from the accepted papers to be published in Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (JOCO), a special issue on computational social networks.

Important Dates:

Paper submission due: Mar 10, 2014

Notification of Acceptance: Apr 5, 2014

Camera-ready and Registration deadline: Apr 25, 2014

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