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ASD 2014 : 8th Conference on Advances in Decisional Systems | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.asd-conf.net | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
CFP : 8th Conference on Advances in Decisional Systems (ASD 2014)
May 29-31, 2014, Hammamet, Tunisia http://asd-conf.net/en/ Objective The importance given by both the scientific community and industry to decision support systems (DSS) is increasingly high, as evidenced by the number of theoretical works and market tools. Indeed, Decision-making systems enable the company to make decisions at different hierarchical levels by analyzing the current and past to predict the future. In terms of research, the scientific events of decision making systems are dedicated to consolidate the efforts of researchers on the one hand, and meeting the aspirations of professionals on the other hand. The Conference on Advances in Decisional Systems (ASD) follows this perspective. Seven years have already passed since the first edition of ASD which started as a workshop. The success of the last seven editions encourages us to further continue with the same enthusiasm and ambitions by launching the call for an eighth edition of ASD as a conference. ASD allows researchers who have already participated in previous editions to be in the same context by exhibiting their latest scientific work. The conference is also aimed at professionals involved or interested in the decision-making, by their pragmatic vision, contributing the expression of new requirements or enhancing existing solutions. It is also an opportunity for doctoral students to present and discuss their work. Topics The program committee of ASD’2014 calls for papers presenting research findings and sharing experiences on new research challenges in the following main topics: • Data Warehouse architecture • Data Warehouse design • Multidimensional Modeling • Data integration. Extract, transform and Load (ETL) tools • Multidimensional query languages • Physical organization of Data Warehouses • Performance Optimization and tuning, indexing, cache optimization de caches, etc. • Data Warehouse Maintenance and administration • Data mining • Semantic and decisional ontology • Data Warehouse and Semantic Web • Benchmarking in Data Warehouses • Quality, security and coherence in Data Warehouses • OLAP • Complex, distributed, parallel, virtual, textual and XML Data Warehouses • Big data analytics • Data Warehouse & NoSQL • Decision support systems in the cloud • Social networks analysis • Personalization and query recommendation for DSS Important Dates - Abstract submission: February 15, 2014 - Paper submission: February 22, 2014 - Notification for authors: April 4, 2014 - Camera ready: April 14, 2014 - Conference period: May 29-31, 2014 Submission Papers should be submitted via http://www.asd-conf.net/soumission Articles should be submitted in French or English, and must be anonymous (see instructions for authors on the site) Journal Special Issue Extended versions of the best papers will be published in a special issue of the journal ISI (Information Systems Engineering), Hermes Editor. Contacts • Jamel Feki, (Faculté des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion de Sfax, Tunisie) jamel.feki@gmail.com ; jamel.feki@tunet.tn Tél : (+216) 22 708 783 – Fax : (+216) 74 279 139 • Omar Boussaid, (ERIC, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, France) Omar.Boussaid@univ-lyon2.fr Tél : (+33) 4 78 77 23 77 - Fax : (+33) 4 78 77 23 75 • http://www.asd-conf.net Steering Committee BEN ABDALLAH Hanêne (MIRACL, King Abdulaziz University, KSA) BENTAYEB Fadila (ERIC, University Lumière, Lyon 2, France) BOULMAKOUL Azedine (Hassan II University, Morocco) BOUSSAID Omar (ERIC, University Lumière Lyon 2, France) FEKI Jamel (MIRACL, University of Sfax, Tunisia) GARGOURI Faiez (MIRACL, University of Sfax, Tunisia) Scientific Committee In progress Organization Committee HACHAICHI Yasser (ISAAS, University of Sfax, Tunisia) MOALLA Mohamed Sahbi (ISET, University of Sfax, Tunisia) CHAABANE Mohamed Amine (ISAAS, University of Sfax, Tunisia) NABLI Ahlem (FS, University of Sfax, Tunisia) BEN KRAIEM Maha (MIRACL, University of Sfax, Tunisia) |