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LOOW 2014 : Language in the Online & Offline World 4: The Latitude


When May 27, 2014 - May 28, 2014
Where Surabaya, East Java Province, Indonesia
Submission Deadline Feb 10, 2014
Notification Due Feb 24, 2014
Final Version Due Mar 24, 2014
Categories    linguistics   language teaching   media

Call For Papers

Today’s world sees how online world influences the way we use language. Development in information technology changes interconnectivity and attitude toward linguistic norms. This situation has sparked interests in exploring language in the new atmosphere.

Responding to such interests, for the fourth time, the English Department of Petra Christian University hold a conference under the theme of Language in the Online and Offline World 4: The Latitude.

The objectives of this conference are challenging the ways people teach and study language and re-examining the studies of linguistic trends and practices in a globalized and digitalized world.

We expect that this conference will bring together multidisciplinary researches and perspectives on the social, pedagogic aspects and linguistic impacts of the online and offline use of language.

Papers are invited on the following sub-topics:
1. Innovative language teaching
2. Values in language teaching
3. Media and language creativity
4. Digital community and culture
5. Global-local nexus of communication
6. Discourses in classroom/media/the work place

For further information, please consult our website:

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