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SNAST 2020 : Fifth International Workshop on Social Network Analysis Surveillance Techniques 2020


When Aug 3, 2020 - Aug 3, 2020
Where The Hague
Submission Deadline May 10, 2020
Notification Due Jun 10, 2020
Final Version Due Jun 25, 2020
Categories    social network   social network analysis   surveillance technologies   biometrics

Call For Papers

Call for Papers
Fifth International Workshop on Social Network Analysis Surveillance Techniques 2020 (SNAST 2020)

In conjunction with
The 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2020), The Hague, Netherlands, 3 - 6 August, 2020

Technology penetrates every aspect of personal life with the use of Internet of Things devices that can be used by operators and decision makers in a central location (operations room) or while being on the mobile (agents in action). While desktop based applications can be used to monitor but also process and analyse surveillance data coming from a variety of sources, mobile-based platforms can also be used, including smart phones, smart watches and in general Internet of Things devices, petabytes of data are continually collected not only by governments but also by companies with different pretext. Governments especially after the 9/11 have started running intensive surveillance programs intending to identify potential terrorist threats, while companies are using data collected either through devices or sensors attached to their products in order to understand their customers and their behaviours.

The workshop is expected to address the aforementioned issues and will aim at presenting novel research in the area of military, civilian and especially in cyber surveillance by experts around the world. The areas of focus will cover a broad range of surveillance techniques in the service of defense organizations applied in social media via social networking platforms, the internet, and in general in cyber space (cyber surveillance). The topics will also cover other novel methods utilized in the everyday life of citizens, such as, but not limited to, video and image analysis based human recognition that can be used in social network analysis. Finally, the workshop will cover another very important aspect of surveillance in social media, namely, the ethical and privacy issues as these are evolving in the light of globalization and terrorism and how these affect citizens and governments.

After the success of the first workshop at San Francisco in 2016, the second workshop at Sidney in 2017, the third at Barcelona in 2018, the fourth workshop at Vancouver in 2019, the fifth workshop comes to further elaborate on new surveillance methods that enable authorities to protect the public without at the same time intruding upon privacy.

The main topics of the workshop include but they are not limited to the following:
- Techniques and tools for social network surveillance
- Deanonymization and data inferring techniques
- Digital forensics analysis
- Visualization techniques for surveillance
- Mobile-based surveillance applications (human identification etc.)
- Sentiment surveillance
- Early warning systems for terrorism, radicalization and extremism
- Ethics and privacy in social networks
- Internet surveillance systems
- Intelligent networks of sensors
- Disaster detection and prevention
- Disease control through social network surveillance
- Biometrics in the Wild
- Usability and social impacts of biometrics technology
- Novel sensing technologies and applications

Types of submissions
- Full and Short Papers

Important dates
- Paper submission deadline: May 10, 2020 11:59 PM American Samoa Zone (UTC-11)
- Paper acceptance notification: June 10, 2020
- Paper camera-ready deadline: June 25, 2020
- Workshop: August 3, 2020

Workshop Chairs
Panagiotis Karampelas, Hellenic Air Force Academy, Greece
Thirimachos Bourlai, West Virginia University, USA

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