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ISCA 2013 : The 40th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA-40)Conference Series : International Symposium on Computer Architecture | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://isca2013.eew.technion.ac.il/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
The International Symposium on Computer Architecture is the premier forum for
new ideas and experimental results in computer architecture. Novel papers are solicited on a broad range of topics, including (but not limited to): * Processor, memory, and storage systems architecture * Parallel and multi-core systems * Interconnection networks * Instruction, thread, and data-level parallelism * Dependable architectures * Architectural support for programming productivity * Architectures for security and virtualization * Power and energy efficient architectures * Application specific, reconfigurable, and embedded architectures * Network processor and router architectures * Architectures for emerging technologies and applications * Effect of circuits and technology on architecture * Architecture modeling and simulation methodology * Performance evaluation and measurement of real systems * Data-center scale computing * Handheld and mobile devices ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE General Chair * Avi Mendelson, Technion and Microsoft Program Chair * Margaret Martonosi, Princeton University Workshop Chair * Osman Unsa - Univeristat Politècnica de Catalunya * Xiaoyao Liang – Shanghai Jiao Tong University Tutorial Chair * Hyesoon Kim — Georgia Tech * Yoav Etsion – Technion Finance Chair * Mattan Erez, Univ. of Texas Web Chair * Linoy Gal – Technion linoyg@cs.technion.ac.il Publicity Chair * Zhibin Yu. – Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology Travel Award Chair * Rajeev Balasubramonian — Utah University rajeev@cs.utah.edu Program Commitee * Tor Aamodt, Univ. of British Columbia * Sarita Adve, Univ. of Illinois * Arvind, MIT * Christopher Batten, Cornell Univ. * Ramon Canal, UPC * Joel Emer, Intel/MIT * Babak Falsafi, EPFL * Paolo Faraboschi, Hewlett-Packard * Yunsi Fei, Northeastern Univ. * Erik Hagersten, Uppsala Univ. * Hillery Hunter, IBM Research * Janie Irwin, Penn State * Canturk Isci, IBM Research * Natalie Enright Jerger, Univ. of Toronto * Steve Keckler, NVIDIA/Univ. of Texas * Brucek Khailany, NVIDIA * John Kim, KAIST * Ruby Lee, Princeton Univ. * Mikko Lipasti, Univ. of Wisconsin * Gabriel Loh, AMD Research * Debbie Marr, Intel Corp. * Jaime Moreno, IBM Research. * Emre Ozer, ARM * Dave Patterson, Univ. of California, Berkeley * Milos Prvulovic, Georgia Tech * Steve Reinhardt, AMD Research * Valentina Salapura, IBM Research * Karu Sankaralingam, Univ. of Wisconsin * Yiannakis Sazeides, Univ. of Cyprus * Simha Sethumadhavan, Columbia Univ. * Li Shang, Intel Corp. * Jim Smith, Univ. of Wisconsin * Daniel Sorin, Duke Univ. * Karin Strauss, Microsoft Research/Univ. of Washington * Josep Torrellas, Univ. of Illinois * Thomas F. Wenisch, Univ. of Michigan Steering Commitee * Doug Burger, Microsoft * Joel Emer, Intel * Antonio Gonzalez, Intel/UPC * Ravi Iyer, Intel * David Kaeli, Northeastern Univ. * Steve Keckler, NVIDIA/U. Texas * Shih-Lien Lu, Intel * Yale Patt, U. Texas * Josep Torrellas, U. Illinois * David Wood, U. Wisconsin * Qing Yang, U. Rhode Island Program Committee: TBA |