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LT-LRL 2017 : Workshop on Language Technology for Less Resourced Languages (LT-LRL) 2017


When Nov 17, 2017 - Nov 19, 2017
Where Poznań, Poland
Submission Deadline Sep 25, 2017
Notification Due Oct 16, 2017
Final Version Due Oct 23, 2017
Categories    NLP   computational lingustics   language technology   lexical resources

Call For Papers

Workshop on Language Technology for Less Resourced Languages (LT-LRL) 2017

Venue: Poznań, Poland (being organized under 8th Language & Technology Conference 2017,
November 17-19, 2017)

LTC-2017 Main website -
LTLRL2017 workshop CFP –
Submit papers on -

Theme and Motivation
The rapid growth of language technology has created a new challenge for many languages of the world today. While for some, this can take the shape of a positive competition among the stake holders, for others it can push them further down in the race towards endangerment and extinction.
The LT-LRL Workshop is an attempt to bring together all stake holders, users, developers,researchers, language activists, policy makers on a single platform and discuss how resources, policies, standards could be developed for these languages so that they can develop technologies to enable themselves in the digital age. We will particularly welcome contributions addressing the following issues:
(1) LRL: charting the field - what do we know about currently available LTs for LRLs? What is the current status of language technologies and use of LRLs in the digital and social media environments? How to draw a comprehensive and accurate picture and create a road map for future? Who are the actors to be involved? What is the experience of researchers and developers?
(2) LRL: Resource development - how are the LRLs dealing with resource crunch, creation and related issues of standards, IDEs and platforms, funding, usability, sharing etc? What are the perceptions and roles of various stake holders including the governments, industry and language communities? What are the additional challenges posed by multilingual societies? What are the language preservation strategies for LRLs in the digital age?
(3) LRL : technology development - challenges in the development of specific enabling
technologies for LRLs at language, speech and multi-modal levels. How are these technologies used in areas such as communication, education, entertainment, health, administration. governance etc?

We accept two types of anonymized submissions: (a) full papers and (b) posters. Format and templates are the same as for the general LTC (
For further information, please contact Prof. Girish Nath Jha (

The papers accepted for LRL 2017 will be published in the LTC Proceedings (hard copy, with ISBN number) and on CD-ROM. After the Workshop, a selection of the best papers will be published together with best LTC papers in a dedicated volume in the Springer Series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence.

Conference Chairs
Girish Nath Jha, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Claudia Soria, Institute for Computational Linguistics, Italy

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