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ITICAM 2014 : International Trends and Issues Communication & Media Conference


When Feb 5, 2014 - Feb 7, 2014
Where Dubai / United Arab Emirates
Submission Deadline Jan 29, 2014
Final Version Due Jan 30, 2014
Categories    communication   social media & communication t   educational communication   televison production

Call For Papers

The main goal of International Trends and Issues Communication & Media Conference is to provide a multinational platform where the latest trends in communication and media can be presented and discussed in a friendly environment with the aim to learn from each other. Prospective presenters are encouraged to submit proposals for papers and posters/demonstrations that offer new research or theoretical contributions. Presentations should be in Turkish and English and should address both theoretical issues and new research findings.
Furthermore if the presenter is unable to attend the oral presentation, video presentations are available. For further information on how to submit, please refer to the Paper Submission section on our website. For paper guidelines, please refer to the Paper Guidelines section.
ITICAM 2013 conference is supported by Sakarya University, Hitit University, Istanbul University, TRT (Turkish Radio and Televison) and TASET and will take place on February 5-7 2014 at the , Dubai, UAE.
All full papers (in all languages) will be published in an online proceedings book on ITICAM web site after the onference.

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