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ICSPC 2017 : IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.karunya.edu/ece/icspc17/# | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication - ICSPC'17
July 28-29 2017 Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India The conference aims to bring together the Scientists, Scholars, Engineers, Industrialists and Students from in and around the world to present and share their knowledge and experience on the on-going research activities and hence to foster research relations between universities and industries. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas, insights, applications and experiences, to establish research relations and to find global partners for collaborations and to solve future problems in signal processing and communication. === Important Dates === March 15, 2017........................Tutorial Special Session proposals March 15, 2017.........................Paper submission deadline April 15, 2017........................... Notification of acceptance April 30, 2017............................Camera-ready paper submission July 28-29, 2017........................ICSPC17 Conference The authors are invited to submit technical papers of their original, unpublished work under the below-mentioned sub-themes. The works within the broad areas (but not limited to) are acceptable for the presentation in the conference. Track 1 Bio-Signal Processing Audio/Speech Processing and Coding Statistical Signal Processing Signal Processing for Communications Medical Image Processing Array Signal Processing Soft Computing for Image Processing Remote Sensing Signal Processing for Security Video Processing Biometrics Cryptography/Steganography/Watermarking VLSI Signal Processing Track 2 Mobile and Cellular Communications Vehicular Communication Networks Wireless Sensor Networks Antennas, RF, and Microwave Communications Optical Communication MIMO and Space-Time Communications Cognitive Radio and Cognitive Networks Satellite Communication Virtual Reality and Gaming OFDM and CDMA Communication Receivers ===Journal Publications=== ICSPC17 Proceedings will be published by IEEE. Extended versions of papers will be invited for special issues of the following journals: International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms (Inderscience) http://www.inderscience.com/jhome.php?jcode=ijaip Intelligent Decision Technologies - An International Journal (IOS Press) http://www.iospress.nl/journal/intelligent-decision-technologies/ International Journal of Imaging and Robotics http://www.ceser.in/ceserp/index.php/iji International Journal of Tomography and Simulation http://www.ceser.in/ceserp/index.php/ijts/ International Journal of Artificial Intelligence http://www.ceser.in/ceserp/index.php/ijai === Committees === Organizing Committee: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Chancellor, Karunya University Dr. S. Sundar Manoharan, Vice-chancellor, Karunya University Dr. Prince Arulraj, Director-Engineering and Technology, Karunya University Dr. A. Shobha Rekh, Head- Department of Electrical Technology, Karunya University Dr. N.M Sivamangai, Programme Coordinator - Electronics and Communication Engineering, Karunya University Dr.G.Josemin Bala, ECE Department, Karunya University Dr. S. Thomas George, ECE Department, Karunya University Dr.D.Jude Hemanth, ECE Department, Karunya University Dr. D. Nirmal, ECE Department, Karunya University Mr. D. Narain Ponraj, ECE Department, Karunya University Advisory Committee: Prof. Rangaraj M Rangayyan, University of Calgary, Canada Dr. Daniela Lopez De Luise, Computational Intelligence and Information Systems Lab,Argentina Prof. Valentina Emilia Balas, ‘Aurel Vlaicu’ University of Arad, Romania Dr. Mohammed Majid Al-Riafe, Goldsmiths University of London, UK Dr. Bernadetta Kwintiana Ane, University of Stuttgart, Germany Prof. Aboul Ella Hassanien, Cairo University, Egypt Dr. Ali Ismail Aawad, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden Dr. Janos Botzheim, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan Dr. Fuqian Shi, Wenzhou Medical University, P.R.China Prof. S. Giridhar, IIT Madras, India Prof.G.N. Pillai, IIT ROORKEE, India Dr. S. Raghavan, NIT TRICHY, India Prof. Nikhil R. Pal, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India Dr. Vania V. Estrela, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Brazil Dr. Dalmo Stutz, Instituto Politécnico do Rio de Janeiro (IPRJ), UERJ, Brazil Dr. Osamu Saotome, ITA -CTA, Brazil === Submission Guidelines === Paper submission for ICSPC'17 is now open. Papers should be submitted in PDF format, on the Easy Chair conference system at this link https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icspc17 and should not exceed 6 pages according to the IEEE Word template. All full papers submitted will be subjected to a review process through an expert reputed review panel. Comments of the reviewers will be sent directly to the authors. === Special Sessions === ICSPC 2017 will run many Special Sessions. Any topic of interest for the conference is eligible with a focus on a specific, possibly cutting-edge, topic of interest for ICSPC 2017. Special session organizers will be responsible for call dissemination, the reviewing process and organizing oral presentations. Typically, a special session will have at least 4 accepted papers and may have an invited speaker (to be negotiated). Special Session proposals, including the session's title and scope, short CV of sessions chairs, a preliminary list of at least 4, possibly more, potential authors. Please send proposals to convenericspc@gmail.com === Keynote Speakers === KEYNOTE ADDRESS 1: Computer-aided Diagnosis of Retinopathy of Prematurity Prof. Rangaraj M Rangayyan, University of Calgary, Canada KEYNOTE ADDRESS 2: To be Updated Prof. K.Giridhar, IIT Madras, India KEYNOTE ADDRESS 3: To be Updated Prof. S. Raghavan, NIT Trichy, India KEYNOTE ADDRESS 4: The Fuzzy-Interpolative Systems and Methodology Prof. Marius M. Balas, ‘Aurel Vlaicu’ University of Arad, Romania KEYNOTE ADDRESS 5: Application of Image Processing for The Visually Impaired People Dr. Daniela Lopez de Luise, Computational Intelligence and Information Systems Lab,Argentina. KEYNOTE ADDRESS 6: To be Updated Dr. Bernadetta Kwintiana Ane, University of Stuttgart, Germany March 15, 2017............................Special Session proposals March 15, 2017............................Paper submission deadline April 15, 2017.............................. Notification of acceptance April 30, 2017..............................Camera-ready paper submission July 28-29, 2017...........................ICSPC17 Conference |