The First AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP-2013) will be held November 7-9, 2013 in Palm Springs, California, USA. The conference is aimed at promoting the scientific exchange of advances in human computation and crowdsourcing among researchers, engineers, and practitioners across a spectrum of disciplines. The conference was created by researchers from diverse fields to serve as a key focal point and scholarly venue for the review and presentation of the highest quality work on principles, studies, and applications of human computation. The meeting seeks and embraces work on human computation and crowdsourcing in multiple fields, including human-computer interaction, cognitive psychology, economics, information retrieval, economics, databases, systems, optimization, and multiple subdisciplines of artificial intelligence, such as vision, speech, robotics, machine learning, and planning.
Submissions are invited on efforts and developments on principles, experiments, and implementations of systems that rely on programmatic access to human intellect to perform some aspect of computation, or where human perception, knowledge, reasoning, or physical activity and coordination contributes to the operation of larger computational systems, applications, and services. The conference will include presentations of new research, works-in-progress and demo sessions, and invited talks. A day of workshops and tutorials will follow the main conference. Submissions to the main conference will be due on May 10, 2013. Authors will be notified about the acceptance and rejection of paper submissions on July 16, 2013. Accepted papers will be due in camera-ready form on September 4, 2013. A complete set of deadlines and notification dates for workshops, tutorials, works-in-progress and demonstrations can be found on the right.
HCOMP 2013 builds on a series of four successful earlier workshops (2009,2010,2011,2012). All full papers accepted at this first conference will be published as AAAI archival proceedings in the AAAI digital library. While we encourage visionary and forward-looking papers, please only submit your best novel work; the paper track will not accept work recently published or soon to be published in another conference or journal. However, to encourage exchange of ideas, such work can be submitted to the non-archival work-in-progress and demo track. For submissions of this kind, the authors should include the venue of previous or concurrent publication.
There will also be a two-day CrowdCamp at HCOMP 2013 to turn crowdsourcing ideas into concrete prototypes, organized by Lydia Chilton (UW). More information will be announced soon.