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Communication & Sport Summit 2010 : Fourth Summit on Communication & Sport


When Mar 18, 2010 - Mar 20, 2010
Where Cleveland, OH - Embassy Suites Downtown
Submission Deadline Oct 1, 2009
Notification Due Dec 1, 2009
Categories    communication   sports   sociology   psychology

Call For Papers

Call for Papers
Fourth Summit on Communication & Sport

Thursday, March 18 – Saturday, March 20, 2010
Embassy Suites, Downtown - Cleveland, Ohio
Co-hosted by Kent State University and Youngstown State University

As the song goes “Cleveland rocks!”

From the birthplace of the NFL and home of the Pro Football Hall of Fame (Canton, OH) to the storied professional sports franchises of the Cleveland Browns, Cavaliers, and Indians, northeast Ohio has a rich tradition in sports. Couple this “professional” sports tradition with historic programs at our local colleges and universities and it is easy to see why Kent State and Youngstown State are excited to co-host the Fourth Summit on Communication & Sport.

If the first three Summits (Clemson University, Arizona State University-West) are any indication of the burgeoning interest in sport communication research, then the fourth Summit will certainly have much to offer. Our hope is that the upcoming Summit will serve as a vehicle for cross-pollination of ideas, concepts, and theories for the study of sport and communication. Take this unique opportunity to connect with other sports communication researchers – make connections with others interested in your research agenda – and cultivate relationships with like-minded scholars.

Cleveland has a lot to offer sports and entertainment enthusiast. Cleveland is considered by many to be the birthplace of rock-n-roll. It is home to the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame (right down the street from the summit hotel). Plan to visit the “Flats” and the “Warehouse District,” the Great Lakes Science Center, or Playhouse Square Center, the second largest performing arts center in the United States.

More information on the Summit and the facilities can be found at

The event will be held at the Embassy Suites, Downtown - Cleveland, Ohio. The Embassy Suites is within walking distance (or a short shuttle ride) of Cleveland’s exciting sports and entertainment complexes including Cleveland Browns Stadium, Progressive Field, the “Q” (Quicken Loans Arena) home of LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers (note that the Cavs will be in season during the Summit – in they are in town, plan to catch a game).

In keeping with the tradition started at the third Summit, some of the best research submitted and presented at the Summit will be published in a special issue of Journal of Communication Studies. Papers will undergo blind peer review, with approximately 4-5 articles selected for publication.

All scholars currently exploring communication and sport are encouraged to submit the following:

• Abstracts (200-500 words) to be considered for presentation at the Summit.

• Full-length manuscripts (7,000-10,000 words, APA style) to be considered for both the Summit and the special issue of Journal of Communication Studies.

• Full-length manuscripts (7,000-10,000 words, APA format) to be considered for only Summit presentation.

Up to two submissions from the same author will be considered for review.

Submissions should be emailed in Word format to Amy Crawford at no later than October 1, 2009 (any submission with an email date stamp after October 1 will not be considered). Please indicate if you would like your piece to be considered for publication in the special issue of Journal of Communication Studies.

Presenters will be notified of presentation acceptance via email by December 1, 2009. Space will also be allotted for non-presenting attendees. Any inquiries regarding the event can be directed to Adam Earnheardt ( or Barbara Hugenberg ( However all inquiries concerning paper submissions should be directed to Amy Crawford at

Summit Schedule (Tentative):

Thursday, 7:00-9:00 Opening Reception TBD

Friday, 8:30-11:30 Research Sessions

Friday, 12:00-1:15 Opening Luncheon (free with registration) w/Keynote

Friday, 1:30-5:30 Research Sessions

Friday evening Dinner TBD

Saturday, 8:30-11:30 Research Sessions and Keynote

Saturday, 12:00-1:30 Closing Luncheon (free with registration)
Business Meeting

Saturday, 1:30 Adjournment

Registration Fees

Included in the registration fee is the cost of refreshment breaks each day, Friday lunch and dinner, Saturday lunch, and hospitality suite refreshments Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Breakfast is included with the hotel accommodations.

Faculty: $100.00
Graduate Students: $50.00 (Faculty: Please consider sponsoring a graduate student)
Publishers' Reps.: $200.00 ($150 for each additional representative per publisher)

Conference Registration

The deadline for submitting your conference registration form and total payment is Monday, February 1, 2010. Send the registration form along with payment to:

Barbara Hugenberg
School of Communication Studies
135 Taylor Hall
Kent State University
Kent, OH 44242

Hotel Contact Information

Embassy Suites Hotel, Downtown
1701 East 12th Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44114-3236
Phone: 216-523-8000
Fax: 216-523-1698
Click: For Hotel Reservations: 1-800-EMBASSY

Hotel Room Rates

The deadline for reserving rooms at rates listed is Friday, February 19, 2010. You are encouraged to make your room reservation in advance of deadline. Attendees must reserve their own hotel rooms.

King or Double: $115.00/night (single)
Add $20 for each additional person per room

Room rates include cooked-to-order breakfast each morning in the hotel atrium and a complimentary two-hour beverage reception offered nightly for overnight guests. Valet Parking: $18/24 hrs. with unlimited access.

Ground Transportation

The Embassy Suites does not provide ground transportation from the airport. Other shuttle, transit services and taxis are available. The rapid transit rail service is available at the airport and will take you to Tower City terminal (in the town square) four or five blocks from Embassy Suites. For rapid transit information:

From Tower City terminal: Start out going EAST on PUBLIC SQ / US-20 E toward ONTARIO ST, T/L E. 2nd; T/R Superior Ave. E.; T/R East 12th; 1701 East 12th.

Embassy Suites Cleveland provides free shuttle from the hotel to destinations within a 2 mile radius in the downtown area.

Local Points of Interest

House of Blues:
Pickwick and Frolic (Restaurant & Comedy):
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame:
Great Lakes Science Center:
Cleveland Cavaliers:
Cleveland Arena, The “Q”:

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