This symposium aims to trace a state-of-the art of the following questions: promotion of local and new immigrants’ identities, especially as defined by bi- and multilingual literatures, literature of migration and bilingualism on the whole. The meeting is structured into three days, divided into six subparts. Each day a paper section will be followed by recreational activities (short trips, sightseeing, promotion of local productions and handcrafts). After the conclusion of the paper session, in the last evening a declamation of bilingual poems and short stories will be held and three prizes will be assigned to the winner of the previous two-month online competition.
Abstracts should be in Italian, English, Albanian or Spanish and should not exceed 300 words written in one A4 page (including data, only short references and diagrams). The text should be typed in at least 11-point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins (letter-size; 8 1/2 by 11 or A4), and must be anonymous. Submissions via mail must include two files: one with personal data (surname, name, affiliation, email, abstract title) and another one for the abstract that must include title and not more than five keywords. Preferably paper proposals should deal with the following topics: bilingualism as psychological and cognitive phenomenon, bilingualism as social phenomenon, language policy, bilingual education, bi- and multilingualism in literature and literatures of migration.
Submit your abstract to
or via EASYABS