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ISVLSI 2017 : IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI


Conference Series : IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI
When Jul 3, 2017 - Jul 5, 2017
Where Bochum
Submission Deadline Mar 10, 2017
Notification Due May 15, 2017
Final Version Due May 30, 2017
Categories    VLSI   low power   circuit design

Call For Papers



The submission interface is open for contributions to the IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM ON VLSI which is held from July 3-5th in Bochum Germany.
We already have 3 confirmed keynotes:

* Mr. Jens Werner, Vice President Cadence, Field Engineering EMEA
* Prof. Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon, from the University of Utah
* Prof. Georges Gielen, Vice Rector of KU Leuven for the Group Science, Technology & Engineering, Belgium

The symposium will have a strong industrial support with an exhibition, side events, talks etc.

Besides the excellent scientific content, also the social event will be a highlight during the conference:

* The welcome Reception in a cinema in Bochums city with the talk "Shaken, not stirred! James Bond in the Focus of Physics" from Prof. Metin Tolan, University Dortmund is held before the attendees can see a nice James Bond movie with popcorn and drinks.
* The main social event with dinner is on a boat and during the trip we will have a "magic" entertainment on board with a well-known magician.

The Symposium explores emerging trends and novel ideas and concepts covering a broad range of topics in the area of VLSI: from VLSI circuits, systems and design methods, to system level design and system-on-chip issues, to bringing VLSI methods to new areas and technologies like nano- and molecular devices, MEMS, and quantum computing. Future design methodologies are also one of the key topics at the Symposium, as well as new EDA tools to support them. Over three decades the Symposium has been a unique forum promoting multidisciplinary research and new visionary approaches in the area of VLSI, bringing together leading scientists and researchers from academia and industry.
The Symposium Proceedings are published by IEEE Computer Society Press. Papers from past ISVLSI editions have been subsequently published in special issues of top archival journals which indicates the general high quality of the papers. The Symposium has established a reputation in bringing together well-known international scientists as invited speakers; the emphasis on high quality will continue at this and future editions of the Symposium.

Contributions are sought in the following areas:

Emerging Trends in VLSI, Nanoelectronics, Molecular, Biological and Quantum Computing, MEMS, VLSI Circuits and Systems, Field-programmable and Reconfigurable Systems, System Level Design, System-on-a-Chip Design, Application-Specific Low Power, VLSI System Design, System Issues in Complexity, Low Power, Heat Dissipation, Power Awareness in VLSI Design, Test and Verification, Mixed-Signal Design and Analysis, Electrical/Packaging Co-Design, EDA, Physical Design, creating and sharing IP.
The Symposium Program will include contributed papers and speakers invited by the Program Committee, as well as a poster session. Keynote addresses, panels and special sessions are planned as well. Authors should submit their original work using the web based submission system. Initial submissions to the conference are limited to six pages. All submissions should be in PDF format.

Important dates are:

Submission Deadline: March 10, 2017
Acceptance Notification: April 15, 2017
Submission of Final Version: May 12, 2017

Submission website:

Selected papers from ISVLSI 2017 will be invited for submission to a journal special issue. The selection process is based on reviewer feedback and quality of conference presentation.

All information is available on

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