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ADRS-COVID 2021 : Annals of Disaster Risk Sciences - Special edition on the COVID-19 pandemic


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Mar 15, 2021
Categories    crisis management   security   COVID-19   cybersecurity

Call For Papers

Crisis management skills and knowledge are more important than ever in a world struck by the COVID-19 pandemic. The disease has affected societies and communities on a local, regional, national and international levels. It has disrupted international relations and ushered an era of global recession and economic uncertainty. All segments of social activities are in some way affected by the measures for combating the spread of the infection. Healthcare systems, defence and security, public administration, education, tourism, production and trade, culture, science and other areas face unique challenges.

Much is expected from the scientific community, not only in the immediate fight against the virus, but in all aspects of life. With that in mind, we issue this call for papers to researchers and professionals. We invite you to submit your manuscripts for the special edition of the journal Annals of Disaster Risk Sciences dedicated to crisis management during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Some of the suggested topics are:
Risk analysis and crisis response in disasters during a pandemic
Risk analysis and crisis response in healthcare during a pandemic
Risk analysis, crisis response and the effects of a pandemic on the environment and global climate change
Risk analysis, crisis response and the effects of a pandemic on tourism
Risk analysis, crisis response and the effects of a pandemic on social security
Risk analysis, crisis response and the effects of a pandemic on the financial industry
Application of information technology in risk analysis and crisis response during a pandemic

All manuscripts shall be submitted using the online submission, review and publication platform at
Manuscripts should be written in English and prepared according to the author guidelines available on the submission platform. After the initial check, all submissions will be reviewed by at least two international experts. Based on their recommendation, the editorial board will then decide to accept or reject the manuscript.

The full paper submission deadline for the special edition has been extended to March 15th, 2021.

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