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UKCI 2011 : 11th Annual UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence


When Sep 7, 2011 - Sep 9, 2011
Where Manchester, UK
Submission Deadline Jun 20, 2011
Notification Due Jul 20, 2011
Final Version Due Jul 20, 2011
Categories    computational intelligence   artificial neural networks   artificial intelligence   evolutionary computing

Call For Papers

Welcome to UKCI 2011, the 11th Annual Workshop on Computational Intelligence, this year being hosted by the University of Manchester, in 7th - 9th September.

UKCI is the premier UK event for presenting leading researches on all aspects of computational intelligence. One of the primary, but not exclusively, goal of UCKI workshop is to provide a forum for the academic community to share ideas concerning theoretical and practical aspects of computational intelligence techniques. The informal setting of the workshop is designed to encourage a lively atmosphere for discussing future research problems, making new contacts and forging collaborations.

The workshop will include presentations of submitted papers and also keynote talks from eminent researchers in Computational Intelligence field. We have deliberately set this workshop as a low-cost event, so that young researchers in academia and industry may actively participate along with established workers in the field.

The scope of this workshop can be found in Call for Papers and Introduction pages. All accepted papers will be published on IEEE Xplore.


UKCI 2011, the 11th Annual UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence, invites contributions of papers (of up to six pages) on topics including, but not limited to:

Artificial Neural Networks

Supervised, unsupervised & reinforcement learning; neuro-informatics; computational neuroscience; neural dynamics & complex systems; connectionist cognitive science; neural optimisation & dynamic programming; kernel methods; graphic models; autonomous mental development; neural control & cognitive robotics; data analysis & pattern recognition; image & signal processing.

Fuzzy Logic

Fuzzy logics & fuzzy set theory; fuzzy optimization & design; fuzzy system architectures & hardware; fuzzy pattern recognition & image processing; fuzzy control & robotics; fuzzy data mining & forecasting; fuzzy information retrieval; fuzzy human interface; fuzzy internet & multimedia; extensions to fuzzy methods; computing with words; granular computing.

Evolutionary Computing

Representation and operators; genetic programming; combinatorial & numerical optimisation; co-evolution & collective behaviour; multi-objective evolutionary algorithms; evolutionary design; evolvable hardware; evolvable software; evolving learning systems; evolutionary intelligent agents; developmental systems; molecular & quantum computing; bioinformatics & bioengineering; ant colonies & immune systems; particle swarm & differential evolution.

New and Emerging Computational Intelligence

Monte Carlo methods (MCTS,UCT etc), artificial immune systems; swarm intelligence; fractals; chaos theory, wavelets, hybrid models; hybrid learning; etc.

Applied Computational Intelligence

Real world applications; games; robotics; knowledge extraction; classifying and relating CI approaches; evaluating CI approaches; criteria for selecting CI methods; symbolic and non-symbolic CI; multi-agent systems.

Related Resources

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