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ICOAH 2014 : International Conference on Arts & Humanities 2014


When Apr 2, 2014 - Apr 3, 2014
Where Colombo, Sri Lanka
Submission Deadline Jan 15, 2014
Categories    arts   humanities   preforming arts   drama

Call For Papers

Call for papers

Conference on Arts & Humanities

The Arts and Humanities include the disciplines of ancient and modern languages, literature, philosophy, visual and performing arts. These disciplines explore, share, and recreate expressions of the human experience.The arts and humanities explore human experience through creative expression and critical analysis of history, literature, philosophy and religion.

The arts and humanities touch people’s lives at every level. They contribute to our quality of life because, once our basic subsistence needs have been satisfied, they encompass those things that make life worth living. They also contribute to the level of civilization that makes this country such an attractive place in which to live and work. Arts and humanities research underpins our experience when we attend a concert or a theatre, visit an art exhibition, a museum or a heritage site, read a book, or simply wonder what it means to be human. Activities, such as these, it is thought, enrich our understanding of our own lives, fire our imaginations, give us a safe emotional outlet, help us feel we share fascinations with others and belong to a continuum of human activities, all of which make us happy.
Arts and humanities research also allows us to grow our body of knowledge on all aspects of human experience, agency, identity and expression, as constructed through language, literature, artifacts and performance.

This International Conference on Arts and Humanities cover a very wide range of intellectual and practice-based disciplines and research areas. These include history, classics, archaeology, English literature, philosophy, religion, law, modern languages, linguistics, informatics, media studies, drama, music and design. ICOAH 2014 is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Arts and Humanities. The conference will bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Visual and Performing Arts

Theater, Drama and Opera
Dance and Dance History
Painting, sculpture, Drawing and Photography
Public speaking and Creative Writing
Arts, Art History and Art Management

Folklore and Ethnomusicology

Music, Medicine, Health, Healing and culture
Sound and Video Archive
World Music Culture
Folk Memory and Folklore
Cultural History and Folk Medicine
Folk Believes and Folk Religion

Linguistics and Multilingual Studies

Technology Impact and Use of Language
Language Mind and Multilingualism
Sign Language and Symbolic Systems
Language Maintenance and Language Shifts
Language Attitude and Identity
Child Language Acquisition
Linguistics and Sociolinguistics
Language Policy and Language Planning
Language Program Management
Literacy and Education
Language and Culture Archives

Film, Media and Graphic Designing

Graphic Design, Illustration and digital arts
Emerging Technologies and Media Studies
Film History and World Cinemas
Journalism and Media

Culture, Religion and Ethnic Studies

Colonization, Globalization and Decolonization
Race and Ethnicity
Post Colonial Identities
Culture and Heritage
Religion and Modern World
Ethics and Religion
Popular Culture Vs High Culture
Religion beliefs and International Human Rights

“Sinhala” Session
(This session specially designed for academicians who expected to presents their findings in Sinhala Medium)

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