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ESSCA 2020 : Second European Symposium on Serverless Computing and Applications | |||||||||||||
Link: https://www.agilealliance.org/xp2020/call-for-submissions/call-for-research-workshop-proposals/european-symposium-on-serverless-computing-and-applications/ | |||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||
** Note: Due to the coronavirus, ESSCA and other XP 2020 workshops and symposia were expected to be moved to a future date. Now the decision has been made to conduct the event online. The extended submission deadline of May 1st still applies. **
Important Dates: Submission deadline: May 1st, 2020 Notification to authors: June 3rd, 2020 Workshop date: to be confirmed, like June 3rd Camera ready due: to be confirmed Second European Symposium on Serverless Computing and Applications (ESSCA) Serverless computing, the conjunction of Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) and Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS), has become an attractive polyglot programming and deployment model for developers and a core runtime offering of all major cloud platform providers within the past five years. Cloud functions orchestrated in FaaS are seen as the sincerest form of microservices. Accordingly, deployment frameworks (e.g. Serverless), artifact repositories (e.g. AWS SAR) and composition languages (e.g. IBM Composer) complement FaaS/BaaS technologies for a wholesome developer experience. One of the main reasons for the adoption of serverless application engineering is enabling Agile and distributed processes and the reduction of effort for Ops. Several companies are migrating their software systems to pure or hybrid serverless architecture. Some of the major issues faced by these companies are the lack of clear development process and architectural patterns. In monolithic systems, different metrics, patterns, antipatterns and code smells have been proposed in the last 20 years. The development of a serverless-based systems without clear patterns could result in the development of a distributed monolith composed of several unconnected or unrelated functions. Furthermore, from an Agile perspective, cloud functions decomposition allows for faster reaction to change, although this is limited by incomplete knowledge about the runtime environments. Topics of Interest The symposium is open to authors by focusing on development mindsets, Agile methodologies, architectures, patterns, testing approaches, and frameworks/tools for the enablement of serverless applications. We invite authors to submit technical works, preliminary results, and experience reports around serverless software engineering. The authors of the best papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work to a special issue on Serverless Applications Engineering of the IEEE Software We specifically encourage submissions on any aspect of serverless applications including, but not limited to: Processes: Development processes, approaches, and methodologies in serverless context Mindsets: Engineering strategies and priorities in a serverless context Architectures: Single- and multi-cloud FaaS/BaaS bindings, portable functions Patterns: Functions as glue code versus fully FaaS-based applications; function orchestration in code versus composition languages Testing approaches: Platform emulation, validation of function code and configuration, generic benchmarks, and corner case simulations Frameworks/tools: Deployment, automated FaaSification, tracing and visualization of function dependencies, state/storage bindings Guidelines All submissions must conform to the LNBIP formatting and submission instructions. See the instructions for authors here. ESSCA seeks original contributions of the following types (maximum length): Full research workshop papers (7 pages) Short research workshop papers (4 pages) Industry experiences & case studies (4-6 pages) Tool presentations (2 pages) Position papers (2 pages) Lightning talks (1 page abstract) Camera ready versions of the accepted papers papers in the three first mentioned categories (full, short, industry experience /case study) will appear in the XP 2020 post-conference proceedings to be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) and will be open access. Papers must be submitted electronically via EasyChair by May 1st, 2020. Program Committee Co-chairs: Davide Taibi, Tampere University, Finland (davide.taibi@tuni.fi) Josef Spillner, Zurich University of Applied Science, Zurich, Switzerland. Feilong Wang, Catalyst Cloud, New Zealand Questions? If you have any questions or comments, please contact Davide Taibi by email. |