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WSICC 2016 : 4th International Workshop on Interactive Content Consumption at ACM TVX 2016


When Jun 22, 2016 - Jun 22, 2016
Where Chicago, IL, USA
Submission Deadline Mar 25, 2016
Notification Due Apr 22, 2016
Final Version Due Jun 6, 2016
Categories    multimedia   qoe   UX   video

Call For Papers

WSICC 2016 4th International Workshop on Interactive Content Consumption at ACM TVX 2016, June 22, Chicago, IL, USA

WSICC has established itself as a truly interactive workshop at EuroITV'13, TVX'14, and TVX'15 with three successful editions. The fourth edition of the WSICC workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working on novel approaches for interactive multimedia content consumption. New technologies, devices, media formats, and consumption paradigms are emerging that allow for new types of interactivity. Examples include multi-panoramic video and object-based audio, increasingly available in live scenarios with content feeds from a multitude of sources. All these recent advances have an impact on different aspects related to interactive content consumption, which the workshop categorizes into Enabling Technologies, Content, User Experience, and User Interaction. Please see for details regarding the workshop's scope.

We are seeking 3 types of submissions: full research papers for oral presentations (up to 8 pages not including the references), short papers for poster presentations (up to 4 pages not including the references), and technical demos (up to 4 pages not including references). At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop and all participants must register for the TVX conference.
* Full, short and demo paper submission: March 25, 2016
* Author notification: April 22, 2016
* Camera-ready final deadline: May 6, 2016

Submission via EasyChair:
Template LaTeX:
Template DOC:

The workshop proceedings will be submitted to for citable online publication.

* Britta Meixner, FXPAL
* Maarten Wijnants, iMinds
* Joscha Jaeger, Merz Akademie
* Rik Bauwens, VRT Research & Innovation
* Santosh Basapur, IIT Institute of Design
* Frank Bentley, Yahoo
For questions/remarks, please contact

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