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EVENTS 2013 : The 1st Workshop on EVENTS: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation | |||||||||||||||
Link: https://sites.google.com/site/cfpwsevents/home | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
Endorsed by SIGLEX and SIGSEM. The 1st Workshop on EVENTS: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation Held in Conjunction with NAACL-2013 https://sites.google.com/site/cfpwsevents/home Workshop Description The definition and detection of events have their roots in philosophy and linguistics, with seminal works by Davidson (1969, 1985), Quine (1985) and Parsons (1990), and have long been a subject of study. However, the NLP community has yet to achieve a consensus on the treatment of events, in spite of its critical importance to several areas in natural language processing, such as topic detection and tracking (Allan et al., 1998), information extraction (Humphreys et al., 1997), question answering (Narayanan and Harabagiu, 2004), textual entailment (Haghighi et al., 2005), and contradiction detection (de Marneffe et al., 2008). Most attempts to provide annotation of event coreference have been limited to specific scenarios or domains, as in LDC’s ACE and Machine Reading event annotation, (Humphreys et al., 1997; Bagga and Baldwin, 1999; He, 2007). The recent OnotoNotes annotations include more general event mentions and coreference, but mainly identify coreferences between verbs and nominalizations (Pradhan, 2007). Events are also a crucial element of TimeML, or temporal relation annotation, which have an overlapping but slightly different approach (Pustejovsky, et. al., 2010). Truly comprehensive event detection must encompass the detection of events and their subevents, as well as bridging references (Poesio and Artstein, 2005; 2008). This type of event representation is clearly related to the information available in lexical resources such as PropBank, VerbNet and FrameNet, but goes well beyond anything they currently capture. Bejan and Harabagiu (2010) have recently offered broader event coreference annotation for evaluation purposes, which have been revised and extended by Lee, et.al, (2012). The organizers are themselves involved in event coreference projects for medical informatics and for deep natural language understanding. The time is ripe to bring together interested parties for a serious discussion of appropriate guidelines, resources, and processes for defining and detecting events and their coreferences, and how they should be represented. James Pustejovsky has agreed to give the keynote address. This is a genuine “working” workshop on this topic. The organizers, with the assistance of the program committee, have organized a small shared annotation task on event mention and coreference annotation. The purpose of this annotation is to have all participants look at the principal phenomena of interest and apply their preferred annotation scheme to it. The resulting annotations will be analyzed for agreements and disagreements which will be discussed thoroughly, with examples, in working sessions and panels at the workshop, with the aim of achieving a consensus on the handling of disagreements. Annotation data is available for participants interested in participating, as described below. The sessions and panels are expected to focus on the following topics: - Foundations: What are Events? Definition and Recognition - Coreference: When are Two Events the Same? - Representation: How Best to Represent Events and Event Groups? The workshop also invites both full papers and short papers for a poster presentation on any of these topics Shared Annotation Task The annotation task will call for identifying instances of event mentions and coreference links, including bridging references, with an optional layer of post-coreference inference. A small number of texts will be distributed to participants to be annotated. Each team will use their own guidelines for this annotation, which may or may not be domain dependent, and may or may not include bridging references. If teams choose to limit the events they include, this will require an explanation of why based on a domain event list/hierarchy for the data. Teams also have to agree to share their guidelines with other participants. Important Dates Jan 30, 2013 Start distributing data for annotation to participants Mar 15, 2013 Paper submissions due date (23:59 UTC-11) Deadline Extended. Mar 31, 2013 Data annotations are returned Apr 5, 2013 Notification of acceptance Apr 22, 2013 Camera-ready papers due Apr 30, 2013 Analysis of data annotations completed May 15, 2013 Schedule and topics for working sessions, panels, distributed Program Committee Marjorie Freeman (BBN) Alan Goldschen (Mitre) Kira Griffit (LDC) Heng Ji (CUNY) Boyan Onyshkevych (DOD) Marta Recasens (Stanford University) Stephanie Strassel (LDC) Mihai Surdeanu (University of Arizona) Sara Tonelli, (Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Trento) Ben Van Durme (JHU-COE) Workshop Organizers Eduard Hovy, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Teruko Mitamura, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Martha Palmer, University of Colorado, USA |