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SYIHTQ 2017 : Call for Papers and Presentations for Symposium on Integrative Health


When Sep 8, 2017 - Sep 10, 2017
Where Harvey Cedars, NJ
Abstract Registration Due Aug 21, 2017
Submission Deadline Jul 15, 2017
Notification Due Aug 1, 2017
Final Version Due Sep 30, 2017
Categories    integrative health   leadership   therapy   alternative medicine

Call For Papers

Asklepios Group invites papers and presentations in all interdisciplinary health and leadership topics.

Topics include: leadership, entrepreneurship, healthcare innovation, wellness, pain management, stress reducing activities, health decision making, geriatric health, integrated healthcare and integrative health practices, placebo studies, tai chi, qigong, meditation, yoga, pilates, massage therapy, nutrition therapy, ethics, martial arts, meditative practices, physical therapy, energy exercises, support group therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, bodywork, chiropractic, reiki, acupuncture, alternative/complementary medicine, or any other other evidence-based healing practice or practice subject to demonstrable effectiveness.

Submitted and presented papers will be published in Symposium Proceedings in conjunction with the academic program at the Symposium for Integrative Health Tai Chi Retreat to be held on Sept 8 - 10, 2017 at Maris Stella Retreat Center, Harvey Cedars, Long Beach Island, NJ

Deadline for Paper/Presentation Application: June 15, 2017

Submission policies & procedures

The submission deadline has been extended to June 15, 2017. Presenters will be notified of acceptance by August 1, 2017.
Authors may apply by submitting an abstract of the paper or presentation. If accepted, authors will be prompted to submit the full paper and/or presentation at a later date.
In addition to the paper or presentation, authors will be asked to submit a digital photograph and a short biography of themselves.
Authors retain copyright over all submitted material.
Submission must be entirely original. It may be under concurrent consideration elsewhere, and/or scheduled for presentation elsewhere. Authors may also present papers that are previously published for which they hold copyright, or drafts not yet ready for publication.
There are no fees for reviewing the paper. There are no fees for publication in the proceedings (with the exception of papers with more than 20 pages, in which case there will be a $20 per extra page fee).
Anyone with reasonable instructional or practitioner qualifications may submit a presentation. Authors for papers published in the proceedings must have an academic rank and affiliation.
At least one of the authors must certify his/her intention to register for and attend the symposium to present if the paper or presentation is accepted. The deadline for registration is August 21, 2017. Presenters qualify for a discount on the registration fee. Registration fees must be paid prior to presentation or publication.
Academic presentations are typically between 15 and 25 minutes long. If presenters wish to use a slide presentation, arrangements must be made in advance. In general, we will provide a computer and a projector, presenters bring a USB drive with the presentation on it. Slide presentations are optional.

Review process & Publication of accepted papers in Proceedings

The published proceedings is for papers only. Presentations without papers will not be included in the proceedings.
Presentation proposals without accompanying papers are reviewed by the steering committee, and accepted if they meet our guidelines for a quality presentation and would be of interest to our attendees.
Papers are double blind peer reviewed by two reviewers. Authors must avoid revealing their identity or affiliation within the body of the paper and/or the references.
If accepted for publication, authors will be notified and sent guidelines for formatting the paper for publication in the proceedings.
The final version of the paper must be received by September 30, 2017 to be included in the proceedings. Expected publication is Spring, 2018.

Submission for publication in Journals
Qualified papers will be selected from the proceeding to be submitted to one of the following partnering journals for further review and possible publication:

Journal of Leadership and Management
Integrative Medicine Research
Integrative Medicine: A Clinicians Journal
Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine
Advances in Mind/Body Medicine

Journal editors will review the papers independently and make a publication decision based upon the criteria for the publication. Publication fees may apply. We are hoping to Skype in the following Journal editors for a panel on publishing in the Integrative Healthcare field:

Ms. Eunhye Song
Mr. Dick Benson
Adam Szpaderski

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