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CCIoT 2015 : 1st International Workshop on Trust for the Converged Cloud and Internet of Things


When May 26, 2015 - May 29, 2015
Where Hamburg, Germany
Submission Deadline Mar 1, 2015
Notification Due Mar 16, 2015
Final Version Due Mar 20, 2015
Categories    internet of thing   cloud computing   security   availability

Call For Papers

1st International Workshop on Trust for the Converged Cloud and Internet of Things (CCIoT 2015)
Organised in conjunction with 9th IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference on Trust Management, (IFIPTM 2015) May 26-29
Hamburg, Germany

Cloud and IoT technologies are converging to provide an edge-cloud platform to meet the requirements for scale, flexibility and heterogeneity necessary for the realisation of the smart applications that are required to effectively manage societal growth in the 21st century. Softwarisation of IoT facilitates the creation of new ‘Sensing as a Service’ business models based on virtualised sensor networks (formed by combining individual, physical or virtualised, sensors from different networks into an overlay virtual sensor network). The consequent convergence of technologies and business models creates significant security and trust challenges. This highlights the need to develop a holistic security architecture and methodology that leads to a comprehensive and trustable vision of CCIoT. The goal of this workshop is to gather researchers to identify discuss and present results related to security, privacy and trust challenges for CCIoT environments.

We encourage submissions on theoretical as well as experimental studies related to all aspects of trust and security and privacy for the Converged Cloud and Internet of Things. Topics of interests include, but are NOT limited to, the following categories:

⁻ Privacy Preservation of CCIoT Users and Data
⁻ Network Security for Virtual Sensor Networks
⁻ Security as a Service for CCIoT e.g. Encryption, Identification, Monitoring etc.
⁻ Software Defined Security Frameworks for CCIoT
⁻ Trust Models for Cross Domain Service Provision
⁻ Trust in Virtual Sensors and Virtual Sensor Networks
⁻ Security Policy Approaches for CCIoT
⁻ Availability and Dependability in CCIoT
⁻ Authentication and Access Control in CCIoT
⁻ Trusted Computing Approaches for CCIoT
⁻ Security and Privacy of Dataset Streaming
⁻ Security of Sensing PaaS Offerings
⁻ Threat models for CCIoT
⁻ Lightweight Encryption Schemes for CCIoT
⁻ Remote Attestation of Edge Clouds and Virtualised Sensors
⁻ Mobile Security
⁻ Identity management in CCIoT

Organising committees
General Chairs
Brian Lee, IC4, Athlone Institute of Technology, Ireland.
David Evans, University of Derby, UK.

Programme Committee Chairs
Abir Awad, IC4, Athlone Institute of Technology, Ireland.
Asma Adnane, University of Derby, UK.

Technical Program Committee
Melek Onen, EURECOM, France.
Zaheer Khan, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK.
Stefan Schiffner, ENISA, Greece.
Mathias Fischer, ICSI Berkeley USA.
Udaya Tupakula, ACSRC, Macquarie University Australia.
Ryan KL Ko, University of Waikato, Newzealand.
Diego Lopez Garcia, Telefonica, Spain.
Sheikh Mahbub Habib, CASED, Darmstadt, Germany.
Sara Kadry Hamouda, Athlone Institute of Technology, Ireland.
Bassem Bakhache, Lebanese University, Lebanon.
Robert Warren, Dalhousie University, Canada.
Rafael Timoteo De Sousa Junior, University of Brasilia, Brazil.
David Eyers, University of Otago, New Zealand.

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