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CogRobo@IEEE-Ro-Man 2015 : Special Session on Cognitive Robotics at the 24th International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication


When Aug 31, 2015 - Sep 4, 2015
Where Kobe, Japan
Submission Deadline Feb 23, 2015
Notification Due Apr 28, 2015
Final Version Due Jun 1, 2015
Categories    cognitive robotics   computational intelligence   machine learning   intelligent robot

Call For Papers

Introduction to the special session:

Recently, various types of intelligent robots have been developed for the society of the next generation. In particular, intelligent robots should continue to perform tasks in real environments such as houses, commercial facilities and public facilities. The growing need to automate daily tasks combined with new robot technologies are driving the development of human-friendly robots, i.e., safe and dependable machines, operating in the close vicinity to humans or directly interacting with persons in a wide range of domains. The technology shift from classical industrial robots, which are safely kept away from humans in cages, to robots, which will be used in close collaboration with humans, requires major technological challenges that need to be overcome. A robot should have human-like intelligence and cognitive capabilities to co-exist with people. The study on the intelligence, cognition, and self of robots has a long history. The concepts on adaptation, learning, and cognitive development should be introduced more intensively in the next generation robotics from the theoretical point of view. Fuzzy, neural, and evolutionary computation play important role to realize cognitive development of robots from the methodological point of view. Furthermore, the synthesis of information technology, network technology, and robot technology may bring the brand-new emerging intelligence to robots from the technical point of view. This special session focuses on the intelligence of robots emerging from the adaptation, learning, and cognitive development through the interaction with people and dynamic environments from the conceptual, theoretical, methodological, and/or technical points of view.

The topics of interests in the special session include, but are not limited to:

- Robot Intelligence
- Learning, Adaptation, and Evolution in Robotics
- Human-Robot Interaction
- Embodied Cognitive Science
- Perception and Action
- Intelligent Robots
- Fuzzy, Neural, and Evolutionary Computation for Robotics
- Evolutionary Robotics
- Soft Computing for Vision and Learning
- Informationally Structured Space


Janos Botzheim, Graduate School of System Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 6-6 Asahigaoka, Hino, Tokyo 191-0065, Japan, Tel: +81-42-585-8441,
Chu Kiong Loo, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology University of Malaya, Malaysia,
Honghai Liu, School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, Buckingham Building Lion Terrace, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO1 3HE, UK,

Special session code for paper submission: p44e1

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