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When Jul 27, 2014 - Jul 30, 2014
Submission Deadline Mar 8, 2014
Notification Due Apr 15, 2014
Final Version Due May 25, 2014
Categories    industrial informatics

Call For Papers

IEEE INDIN is the premier conference series presenting the state of the art and future perspectives of industrial information technologies, where industry experts, researchers, and academics share ideas and experiences surrounding frontier technologies, breakthrough and innovative solutions and applications.

Previous conferences in the series were held in Banff Canada (2003), Berlin Germany (2004), Perth Australia (2005), Singapore (2006), Vienna Austria (2007), Daejeon Korea (2008), Cardiff UK (2009), Osaka Japan (2010), Lisbon Portugal (2011), Beijing China (2012) and Bochum, Germany (2013). This year the conference will be held for the first in South America, in Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil.

The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners from industry and academia and provide them with a platform to report on recent developments, deployments, technology trends and research results, as well as initiatives related to industrial informatics And their application.

Conference Topics include (but are not restricted to):

- Technologies and Infrastructures
- Cognitive and Computational Intelligence
- Distributed and Networked Control Systems
- Real-Time and Embedded Computing
- Factory Automation
- Human-Machine Interfaces
- Mechatronics and Robotics Wireless
- Cyber-Physical and Cloud Technologies
- Emergent Paradigms Tools Models
- Applications and technologies for Business Enterprise Management

To enhance the technical program, several special sessions on specialized topics are foreseen to be organized (please refer to INDIN2014 website).

The Conference Program will include keynote speeches of leading experts, such as:

- Prof. Jay Lee - University of Cincinnati - USA, Director of the NSF Industry-University Collaborative Research Center IMS Center USA. Keynote title: ¨Recent Advances and Trends of Cyber-Physical Systems and Big Data Analytics in Industrial Informatics Systems¨

- Bran Selic - IBM Distinguished Engineer and one of the most know researchers in the area of Model-Driven Engineering and Model-Driven Architectures will present the talk ¨Model-Based Software Engineering in Industry: Revolution, Evolution, or Smoke?¨

- Prof. Dr. Detlef Zuehlke, Director of ¨Smart Factory¨ at DFKI Kaiserslautern and Professor of the University of Kaiserslautern - Germany, who will present the Industrie 4.0 paradigm and discuss the impact on future production.

- Prof. Dr. Okyay Kaynak - IEEE Fellow and Editor-in-Chief of Transactions on IEEE/ASME Transaction on Mechatronics, who will present the talk ¨The Exhilarating Journey from Industrial Electronics to Industrial Informatics¨

- Prof. Dr. Toshio Fukuda - Professor of the University of Nagoya Japan, IEEE Fellow, one of the world experts in the area of robotics, who will deliver a speech about ¨Multi-scale Robotics¨


The working language of the conference is English. Prospective authors are requested to submit full papers (6 pages max) following the guidelines available on the conference website. Accepted papers will be included in conference proceedings volume, which will be published in IEEE Xplore. Each accepted paper must be presented at the conference by one of the authors. Papers not presented will not be included in IEEE Xplore.

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