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IWASI 2013 : 5th IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces


When Jun 13, 2013 - Jun 14, 2013
Where Bari, Italy
Submission Deadline May 2, 2013
Notification Due May 15, 2013
Final Version Due May 30, 2013
Categories    smart sensors   sensor interfaces   circuit and system design   smart health

Call For Papers

The increasing maturity, performance and miniaturization of sensors, interfaces, processors, networking technologies, memory and displays is enabling a move towards pervasive computing, ubiquitous connectivity and more adaptable interfaces that are sensitive and responsive.
Many objects and devices already have embedded processors and sensors. Increasingly then, connections are not just people–people or people–computers, but between people–things and most strikingly, things–things.
This changes the web from being a purely virtual, online space to a system that can provide appropriate information, help and services in the real world. If properly harnessed this information will make us better informed and enable smarter decisions by both people and machines.
In this frame the range of applications is wide: from physics particle detection, industrial process control, automotive systems, space aircrafts, energy management to more recently biomedicine, and Brain Machine Interface.
Although significant advances have been reported, many problems are still to be solved: system level design, design procedures, fabrication techniques and data handling and computing are open for research, while industrial interest is aiming at satisfying technological, cost and manufacturing requirements.
The IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces intends to provide a forum for exchange of experience among experts actively involved in research, development and evaluation of new concepts, theoretical methods and experimental characterization as well as in testing techniques concerning micro- and nano-sensor systems.
Papers are solicited in the following and related topics:
 Sensor interfaces
 Sensors in biomedical and environmental applications
 Automotive sensor & sensor interfaces
 New materials and new technologies for sensors
 Sensor modeling and design techniques
 Sensors for space, nuclear and particle physics
 Optoelectronic and photonic sensors
 MEMS and MOEMS-based sensors
 Post-processing electronics
 Noise reduction techniques in sensors interfaces
 Testing techniques for sensors systems
 Sensors networks
 Sensors swarm for internet of things

The accepted submissions will be included in the IEEE proceedings and available on IEEEXplore. A selection of papers will be invited to be re-submitted for a special issue of the IEEE Sensors Journal.
The 2013 IWASI workshop will allow only electronic submission of papers in PDF format. Papers must be submitted in their final version following the IEEE format. They must be double column and not exceed six A4 pages with all illustrations and references included. The size of the PDF files submitted must not exceed 2 MBytes. Manuscript guidelines as well as instructions on how to submit electronically are available on the conference web site.
All paper submissions must be received by April 15th, 2013.
After selection of papers, the authors will be informed about the decision of the Technical Program Committee by e-mail at the beginning of May 2013. At the same time, the complete program will be published on the conference web site.

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