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RTSOPS 2013 : 4th International Real-Time Scheduling Open Problems Seminar


When Jul 9, 2013 - Jul 9, 2013
Where Paris, France
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    real-time

Call For Papers

RTSOPS 2013 is held in conjunction with the
25th Euromicro Intl Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS'13)
July 9 - July 12, Paris, France

***** Continuous Submission *****

Web site:

Seminar Info: The 4th International Real-Time Scheduling Open Problems
Seminar (RTSOPS 2013) provides a venue for the exchange of ideas and the
discussion of interesting unsolved problems in real-time scheduling. The
format of the seminar encourages interaction between participants and
provides ample time for relaxed discussions. The goal of the seminar is
to promote a spirit of co-operation and collaboration within the real-
time scheduling community.

RTSOPS 2013 is organized around presentation and collaboration sessions.
Each presentation session provides the opportunity to hear about a number
of unsolved problems in real-time scheduling, highlighted via brief
presentations. The following collaboration session gives participants the
opportunity to interact in small groups, exchange ideas with the
presenters, explore how the problems might be solved, and take the first
steps towards a solution.

In addition, authors of open problem submissions from previous years RTSOPS
are invited to submit short status reports on progress made towards a
solution to their open problem. This year's seminar will include a
session for presentation of such advances.

Submissions: RTSOPS 2013 invites extended abstracts of open problems in
areas such as, but not limited to:
- Multiprocessor, uniprocessor and communications scheduling.
- New models for real-time systems
- Scheduling in cyber-physical systems
- Interactions between WCET analysis and scheduling

Submission Details: :

This year RTSOPS is based on a continuously open submission. The
submission ends when there are ten papers accepted.
The notification of acceptance will be sent to the authors no later
than 3 weeks after submission.

Extended abstracts (for either new open problems or
status reports on previously-presented problems) for RTSOPS 2013 must be
written in English, and not exceed two A4 pages in length in single column,
10pt format, including relevant references. The main purpose of the
abstract for new open problem submissions should be to provide a clear
description of the problem. Abstracts may be submitted describing well-
known but as yet unsolved problems. However, all abstracts should contain
some element of original work that has not been published before, for
example, a new problem, a new way of looking at an existing problem, new
intuition or ideas on how a problem might be solved, possible frameworks
for solutions, overviews of special cases that may be useful in solving a
problem etc. Abstracts describing progress on an open problem presented
at last year's RTSOPS should include a brief statement of the open
problem and a description of the technical advances made towards a
solution. Abstract submissions should be made electronically, in PDF format
only via the Submission Page for RTSOPS 2013:

Authors of accepted abstracts are expected to give a brief presentation of
their open problem, and be prepared to work on the problem with other
participants during the collaboration sessions. Instructions for preparing
final copy and presentations will be given when the abstract is accepted.
RTSOPS 2013 will publish proceedings as a seminar booklet.

By submitting an extended abstract, the authors agree and confirm that:
neither this extended abstract nor a version close to it is under
submission or will be submitted elsewhere before notification by RTSOPS 2013,
and if accepted, at least one author will register for the RTSOPS 2013
seminar by the special registration deadline set in the notification of
acceptance, and present the open problem at the seminar in person. Please
note that extended abstracts that do not describe real-time scheduling
problems will not be accepted. Submissions will be refereed for quality and
relevance. Submissions exceeding the page limit may be rejected without


Sathish Gopalakrishnan, University of British Columbia, Canada
Liliana Cucu-Grosjean, INRIA, France


Nathan Fisher, Wayne State University, USA (chair)
Robert Davis, University of York, UK
Liliana Cucu-Grosjean, INRIA, France
Gerhard Fohler, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany (ex-officio member)

Related Resources

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