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JIPS SS 2017 : Call for Papers in JIPS Special Section - 2017


When Jan 1, 2017 - Dec 31, 2017
Where Seoul
Submission Deadline Feb 28, 2017
Categories    cloud computing   iot, deep learning   cryptography, security   5g abd future internet

Call For Papers

+++ Call for Papers in JIPS Special Section - 2017 +++

Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS)

ISSN: 1976-913X (Print), ISSN: 2092-805X (Online)

EiC: James Park
Indexed in ESCI (New Web of Science index of Thomson Reuters), SCOPUS,
DOI, DBLP, EI COMPENDEX, EBSCO, Google Scholar, and Crossref.

The JIPS is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal that publishes high-quality papers after subjecting them to a rigorous review process. It publishes diverse papers, including theoretical research contributions presenting new techniques, concepts or analyses; experience reports; experiments involving the implementation and application of new theories; and tutorials on state-of-the-art technologies related to information processing systems. In addition, the journal’s editorial board selects featured articles with outstanding contributions and results, and introduces them on the journal’s homepage. The subjects covered by this journal include, but are not limited to, topics related to a) computer systems and theory; b) multimedia systems and graphics; c) communication systems and security; and d) software systems and applications. In order to disseminate the latest technological advances as quickly as possible, the decision to accept submitted papers is finally determined within six months at the most. To be accepted, however, a paper must be judged to be truly outstanding in its field and to be of interest to a wide audience.
The JIPS has four separate divisions, each having Associate Editors and a group of Editorial Board members, as follows. The journal actively recruits outstanding papers from each division.

JIPS offers special sections - SS1:Cloud computing and Big data, SS2:Internet of Thing and M2M,SS3: Advanced Cryptography, Security, and Privacy, SS4: Deep learning and Social computing, SS5: 5G and Future Internet in 2017.
All papers submitted to the special section will be processed as Fast track - B type. (Especially, we will provide a special offer: 20% off APC for authors who submit papers to special sections)

== Special Section Schedule ==

SS1. Cloud computing and Big data
Submission due: Feb. 28, 2017
Expected publication date: 2nd Quarter, 2017
Editor: Prof. Joon-Min Gil, Catholic University of Daegu, Korea (Email:
Prof. Jaehwa Chung, Korea National Open University, Korea (Email:

SS2. Internet of Thing and M2M
Submission due: March 30, 2017
Expected publication date: 3rd Quarter, 2017
Editor: Prof. Gangman Yi, Dongguk University, Korea (Email:
Prof. Min Choi, Chungbuk University, Korea (Email:

SS3. Advanced Cryptography, Security, and Privacy
Submission due: March 30, 2017
Expected publication date: 3rd Quarter, 2017
Editor: Prof. Jungho Kang, Soongsil University, Korea (Email:
Dr. Kyung-Soo Lim, ETRI, Korea (Email:

SS4. Deep learning and Social computing
Submission due: April 30, 2017
Expected publication date: 3rd/4th Quarter, 2017
Editor: Prof. Yunsick Sung, Keimyung University, Korea (Email:

SS5. 5G abd Future Internet
Submission due: May 30, 2017
Expected publication date: 3rd/4th Quarter, 2017
Editor: Prof. Seokhoon Kim, Soonchunhyang University, Korea (Email:
Prof. Youn-Hee Han, Korea University of Technology and Education, Korea (Email:

== Submission Guideline ==
All papers must be submitted to the ManuscriptLink service ( In the ManuscriptLink submission system, authors must select "Special Issue/Section Track" and choose a sub topic in special section, ex) SS1. Cloud Computing and Big Data at the step of “Basic Information” in the submission process. Prior to submit your papers, we strongly recommend you to read the JIPS submission guideline.

==Contact Information==
JIPS EiC: Prof. James Park, SeoulTech, Korea (
JIPS Secretary: Prof. Jaehwa Chung, Korea National Open University, Korea (
JIPS Office: Miss. JY Lee (

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