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Green IT 2014 : The 2014 International Symposium on Green Computing and Information Technology


When Dec 7, 2014 - Dec 9, 2014
Where Guam, USA
Submission Deadline Sep 10, 2014
Notification Due Sep 30, 2014
Final Version Due Oct 10, 2014
Categories    green computing   sustainable computing   green internet of thing   energy-efficient m2m

Call For Papers

Green IT-14 (Guam, USA, December, 2014) Call for Papers
The 2014 International Symposium on
Green Computing and Information Technology (Green IT-14)

Dec. 17 - 19, 2014, Guam, USA
Intl’ journal SCI/SCOPUS recommendations (100%)

********* If topic of the submitted paper is not related with “Green IT-14”,
the papers will be rejected without review process *********


==Overview ==

The Green IT-14 will provide an opportunity for academic and industry professionals to discuss the latest issues and progress in the area of Green Computing and its IT (GIT) including Green IT and Sustainable Computing.
In addition, the symposium will publish high quality papers which are closely related to the various theories and practical applications in Green Com.
Furthermore, we expect that the Workshope and its publications will be a trigger for further related research and technology improvements in this important subject.

-Green Internet of Thing
-Sustainable computing and IT
-Energy- and power-constrained devices
-Energy-efficient M2M communications
-Optimization and analysis in green computing
-Big data for Green IT
-Cloud computing for Green IT
-Power-aware system, software, and middleware
-Scheduling and allocation for Green IT
-Sensing and monitoring for Green IT
-Smart control for Eco-building
-High-performance computing for Green IT
-Real-time systems for Green IT
-Configurable and renewable energy
-Mobile and ubiquitous computing for Green IT
-Security and reliability in Green IT
-Embedded system and CPS for Green IT
-Smart Grid

== Submission Guidelines and Publication ==
1. Submission guideline
There will be a combination of presentations including scientific papers. Prospective authors are invited, in the first instance, to submit papers for oral presentations in any of the areas of interest for this symposium.
First, authors should submit a regular paper with 5~6 pages in length, including all figures, tables, and references. Please use ONLY symposium paper template

If you want to submit more than page limitation, you can add up to 2 extra pages with the appropriate fee payment.

After closing the symposium, the authors MUST submit full paper with 7~8 pages or regular paper with 5~6 pages for the SIs of international journals (indexed by SCI/E or SCOPUS). We will send the official recommendation letter including journal submission instruction to all authors who presented in our symposium (the page limits are based on double column).

Proceedings and Journal Publications
First, only all abstracts - one page will be included in our symposium proceeding.
We are expecting to accept about 20~30 high quality papers for our symposium.

After closing the conference, all accepted and presented papers in DFIS-14 will be recommended to
1) SCI/E journals (Top ranked papers: 40%)
? Springer: JoS (SCI), MTAP, CC, Hindawi: TSWJ (IF:1.7), IJDSN, JAM, etc.
// The authors MUST submitted full paper with 7~8 pages

2) SCOPUS journals (Others) ? Life Science Journal, etc.
// The authors should submit regular paper with 5-6 pages
** No-showers’ paper will NOT recommended to the journals **

Submission system:
**Authors MUST choose topic as “GreenIT2014” at the submission system**.

=Important Notice=
1.Please DO NOT repeatedly create new paper id with the identical paper in our editorial system.
When more than two identical papers are submitted in the editorial system, the papers will be rejected (without review process).
If any problems, please contact to leading program chair.
2.In case of more than two withdrawals of accepted papers, the author will be placed on a blacklisted in our DB by the FTRA policy. We will NOT allow your submission to FTRA Confs., SIs, and events

==Important Dates==
-Submission Deadline: Sept. 10, 2014
-Authors Notification: Sept. 30, 2014
-Author Registration: Oct. 10, 2014
-Final Manuscript: Oct. 10, 2014
-Symposium Dates: Dec. 17-19, 2014


Symposium Chairs
James Park, SeoulTech, Korea
Hamid R. Arabnia, The University of Georgia, USA
Jason C. Hung, Overseas Chinese University, Taiwan

Selected FTRA Advisor
Hsiao-Hwa Chen, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan
Ivan Stojmenovic, University of Ottawa, Canada
Alan Chin-Chen Chang, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Albert Zomaya, University of Sydney, Australia
Jianhua Ma, Hosei University, Japan
Laurence T. Yang, St Francis Xavier University, Canada
Wanlei Zhou, Deakin University, Australia
Yi Pan, Georgia State University, USA
Young-Sik Jeong, Dongguk University, Korea
Doo-Soon Park, SoonChunHyang University, Korea
C.S. Raghavendra, University of Southern California, USA

Program Chairs
Gangman Yi, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Korea (Leading Chair)
Neil Y. Yen, The University of Aizu, Japan
Deokgyu Lee, Seowon University, Korea

Programme Committee: TBA

Author Registration
? Early Registration by Oct. 10, 2014 - €610 Euro or \870,000 KRW
? Late registration - After Oct. 10, 2014 - €680 Euro or \970,000 KRW
? To be published in the DFIS-14 symposium proceeding, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the symposium at this author registration rate and the paper must be presented at the symposium.
? It includes one proceeding, keynote speech, coffee break, and banquet fee.

Non-Authors Participation Registration
? Early Registration by Oct. 10, 2014 - €490 Euro or \640,000 KRW
? Late/on-site registration after Oct. 10, 2014 - €610 Euro or \870,000 KRW
? It includes one proceeding, keynote speech, welcome reception fee, and banquet fee.

Additional Fees
? Copies of proceedings
€100 Euro or \100,000 KRW for one copy of additional proceeding.
? Reception/Banquet Participation
€100 Euro or \100,000 KRW for one person

Registration System

Cancellation Policy
● 70% of the registration fee can be returned within one week after author registration, otherwise, the refund is NOT allowed.
● For authors who want to cancel the registration after the review notification, we only refund 50% of the registration fee within one week after the review notification.

If you have any questions about the CFPs and papers submission,
please email to Prof. Gangman Lee( and FTRA Conf. manager (

-- The End --

Related Resources

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STE 2025   13th International Conference on Sustainability, Technology and Education
NGISE 2025   1st International Conference on Next Generation Information System Engineering
IEEE CNCIT 2025   2025 4th International Conference on Networks, Communications and Information Technology (CNCIT 2025)
ACM SAC 2025   40th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing
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