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ACIE 2013 : 1st International Workshop on Applications of Affective Computing in Intelligent Environments


When Jul 16, 2013 - Jul 17, 2013
Where Athens, Greece
Submission Deadline Apr 24, 2013
Notification Due May 15, 2014
Final Version Due May 30, 2014
Categories    affective computing   intelligent environments   emotional interactions

Call For Papers

Workshop on Applications of Affective Computing in
Intelligent Environments (ACIE 2013)

9th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE'13), July 16-19, 2013, Athens, Greece

There has been considerable research on Intelligent Environments (IE) in which pervasive infrastructures have tried to understand user needs through their interactions and behaviours to improve user experience, and enhance their lives. There has therefore been an ongoing need for researchers and industry to develop more unobtrusive and natural communication between computing artefacts and users, as well as to expand the spectrum of what can be sensed to include the user’s physiological and emotional responses to the environment.

Affective computing (AC) is concerned with emotional interactions performed with and through computers. It is defined as “computing that relates to, arises from, or deliberately influences emotions”, as initially coined by Professor R. Picard (MIT Media Lab). AC seeks to facilitate research through the recognition, modelling of human affective states. Practical applications of AC based systems seek to achieve a positive impact on human everyday lives by monitoring, communicating or affecting the emotive states of people.

This workshop will provide an opportunity to both promote and demonstrate how recent developments of unobtrusive physiological sensing systems can be used in interesting and novel affective systems for eliciting physiological information; modelling and identifying physiological and emotional responses, to enhance IE based applications. Research into the interplay of affective computing and IEs may also need to address issues related to psychology, sociology and ergonomics that will have a direct implication in the design and deployment of these systems.

We expect submitted papers to be of a high quality describing original research in the area with particular emphasis, to real world applications. Topic areas include, but are not limited to:

* Multisensory fusion
* Intelligent affect aware systems and services for IEs
* Affect based augmented artefacts for IEs
* Affect driven immersive interfaces for IEs
* Personalised physiological and emotive modelling
* Affect recognition based systems for IEs
* Affect based adaptive systems for IEs
* Physiological and emotion driven control
* Ambient affective systems
* Learning systems
* AC and Gamification based system for IEs.
* Applications of Brain Computer Interfaces BCI for IEs
* eHealth and Social care based applications of AC
* Social and collaborative based systems


Paper submissions are now open and can be made via the workshop website at

All papers must be submitted as PDF files. The workshop accepts manuscripts in IOS-Press format and should follow these formatting guidelines that can be found at:

The workshop accepts two types of original papers, full papers (10-12 pages) and short papers (4-6 pages) such as work-in-progress or position-papers.

Submitted papers must not substantially duplicate previously published work or have been submitted in parallel to any journal, conference or workshop with proceedings. All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two reviewers and judged on originality, technical correctness, relevance, and quality of presentation by the Program Committee. All accepted submissions must be presented during the workshop.


All papers accepted in the Workshops program will be compiled in a proceedings volume to accompany all the sponsored workshops. Accepted papers will also be published as a volume of the Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments Series of IOS Press and electronically available through ACM Digital Library.

Important Dates:

Paper submission deadline:
Author notification:
Deadline for final manuscript:
Workshop dates:

24th April 2013
15th May 2013
30th May 2013
16th – 17th July 2013

Workshop Website:

Conference Website:

Workshop Organisers

Dr. Faiyaz Doctor
Intelligent Information Modelling and Retrieval Group
Faculty of Engineering and Computing,
Coventry University,
Priory Street
Coventry CV1 5FB
email: AT

Dr. Victor Zamudio
Division of Research and Postgraduate Studies
Instituto Tecnologico de Leon, Mexico.
Avenida Tecnológico S/N Fracc. Industrial Julián de Obregón
C.P. 37290 León, Gto. Mexico
email: vic.zamudio AT

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