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icSPORTS 2020 : 8th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology SupportConference Series : International Congress on Sports Science Research and Technology Support | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.icsports.org | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
8th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support icSPORTS website: http://www.icsports.org November 5 - 6, 2020 [Online Streaming] In Cooperation with: SSRI, ESB, EPC, SIAI, ISEA , ECOSEP and EASM. Proceedings will be submitted for indexation by: SCOPUS, Google Scholar, DBLP, Semantic Scholar, Microsoft Academic, EI and Conference Proceedings Citation Index. IMPORTANT DATES: Regular Paper Submission: May 19, 2020 Authors Notification (regular papers): July 17, 2020 Final Regular Paper Submission and Registration: July 31, 2020 Position Paper Submission: July 24, 2020 Authors Notification (position papers): September 2, 2020 Final Regular Paper Submission and Registration: September 16, 2020 Scope: Most human activities, including sports, are becoming more and more technological. Engineering in general and Information Technology in particular are important in the support for many activities directly or indirectly related to sport sciences, including improvement of physical activities, sports medicine, biotechnology and nutrition, sports management, and all other application areas in sports. This conference intends to be a meeting point for both academics, sport professionals and practitioners to exchange ideas and develop synergies. Authors are encouraged to highlight the benefits of technology for sports either in general or in a particular application. Ideas regarding sports related issues using technology will arise from this conference. Papers describing case studies, advanced prototypes, systems, tools and techniques indicating future directions in sports technology are particularly of interest. Papers should describe original work in any of the areas listed below. Accepted complete papers, presented at the conference, will be published in the Proceedings of icSPORTS, with ISBN, both on paper and digitally. All presented papers will be indexed and included in the SCITEPRESS digital library for increased visibility. Acceptance will be based on quality, relevance and originality. Both full research reports and work-in-progress reports are welcome. Presentation format can be chosen between oral and poster sessions. Conference Topics: Area 1: Computer Systems in Sports - Augmented Reality, Exergames and Virtual Sports - Multimedia and Information Technology - Simulation and Mathematical Modeling - Sports Statistics and Analyses - Neural Networks and Big Data Analysis in Sports Area 2: Health and Support Technology - Applied Physiology and Exercise - Health and Fitness - Technological Support in Sport Medicine Area 3: Signal Processing in Human Movement - Sport Biomechanics - Signal Analysis & Device Engineering Area 4: Sport Performance and Support Technology - Training and Testing - Coaching Support Technology icSPORTS KEYNOTE LECTURE Nikolaos Stergiou, University of Nebraska Medical Center, United States Bernd Grimm, Luxembourg Institute of Health, Luxembourg icSPORTS CONFERENCE CHAIR: Jan Cabri, LIROMS - Luxembourg Institute of Research in Orthopedics, Sports Medicine and Science, Luxembourg icSPORTS PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS: Pedro Pezarat-Correia, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal João Vilas-Boas, Faculty of Sport, and Porto Biomechanics Laboratory, University of Porto, Portugal PROGRAM COMMITTEE http://www.icsports.org/ProgramCommittee.aspx icSPORTS Secretariat Address: Avenida de S. Francisco Xavier, Lote 7 Cv. C Tel: +351 265 520 184 Fax: +351 265 520 186 Web: http://www.icsports.org e-mail: icsports.secretariat@insticc.org |