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5G-NET-SEC 2019 : Future Generation Computer Systems (IF=4.639) Special Issue on Advancements in 5G Networks Security


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Mar 15, 2019
Notification Due Jun 15, 2019
Final Version Due Dec 1, 2019
Categories    5g networks   5g security   SDN   security

Call For Papers

Future Generation Computer Systems (IF=4.639)

Special Issue on Advancements in 5G Networks Security



With the great success and development of 4G mobile networks it is expected that the 5th generation wireless systems (in short 5G) will be a continued effort toward rich ubiquitous communication infrastructure, promising wide range of high-quality services. It is envisioned that 5G communication will offer significantly greater data bandwidth and almost infinite capability of networking resulting in unfaltering user experiences for (among others): virtual/augmented reality, massive content streaming, telepresence, user-centric computing, crowded area services, smart personal networks, Internet of Things (IoT), smart buildings, smart cities, to name just a few.

The 5G communication is currently in the center of attention of industry, academia, and government worldwide. 5G drives many new requirements for different network capabilities. As 5G aims at utilizing many promising network technologies, such as Software Defined Networking (SDN), Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), Information Centric Network (ICN), Network Slicing, Cloud Computing, MEC, etc. and supporting a huge number of connected devices integrating above mentioned advanced technologies and innovating new techniques will surely bring tremendous challenges for security, privacy and trust. Therefore, secure network architectures, mechanisms, and protocols are required as the basis for 5G to address this problem and follow security-by-design but also security by operations rules. Finally, as in 5G networks even more user data and network traffic will be transferred, the big data security solutions assisted by AI techniques should be sought in order to address the magnitude of the data volume and to ensure security concerns at stake (e.g. data security, privacy, etc.).

From this perspective, this feature topic aims at collecting the most relevant ongoing research efforts in 5G networks security field. It covers topics which are important for 5G networks in order to release their full potential. The second aim is to bring together the research accomplishments provided by the researchers from academia and the industry. Topics include, but are not limited to the following:

- 5G Security Architecture
- Security Management in Heterogeneous 5G Networks
- Attacks & Threats Detection in 5G Networks
- DDoS Detection & Mitigation in 5G Networks
- Security Frameworks for Various 5G Applications & Scenarios
- 5G Security Monitoring and Telemetry
- Access Control Security for 5G Networks
- Security Protocols for 5G Networks
- Physical Layer Security in 5G Networks
- 5G Core Network & Wireless Communications Security
- Information Sharing and Data Protection in 5G Networks
- Big Data Security and Analytics in 5G Networks
- Cloud Technologies Security in 5G Networks
- Privacy preservation and enhancement in 5G
- 5G identity management and its trustworthiness
- Trust models in 5G
- IoT security and trust in 5G
- Economics of 5G security

The resulting set of papers will cover 5G networks security from different perspectives but will nevertheless form a very coherent set.

Guest Editors:
- Wojciech Mazurczyk (Lead Guest Editor), FernUniversitaet in Hagen, Germany & Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
- Pascal Bisson, Thales, France
- Roger Piqueras Jover, Bloomberg LP, USA
- Koji Nakao, NICT, Japan
- Krzysztof Cabaj, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

Important Dates:

Manuscript Submission: March 15, 2019 (extended!)
First decision notification: June 15, 2019
Final decision notification: November 1, 2019
Final Manuscript Due: December 1, 2019
Publication date: First quarter 2020

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