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TAIA 2015 : Workshop on Temporal, Social and Spatially-aware Information Access


When Aug 13, 2015 - Aug 13, 2015
Where Santiago, Chile
Submission Deadline Jun 1, 2015
Notification Due Jun 15, 2015
Final Version Due Jun 22, 2015
Categories    information retrieval

Call For Papers


Users provide an unprecedented volume of detailed, and continuously updated information about where they are, what they are doing, who they are with, and what they are thinking and feeling about their current activities. The provision of this stream creates an informal contract between the user and the information access application that is expected to provide results that are contextually

In this workshop we explore spatial and temporal context in dynamic geotagged collections, such as Wikipedia, and traditional news sources, as well as social media sites such as Twitter, Foursquare, Facebook and Flickr. We also investigate the geo-temporal dynamics of user engagements with apps and search engines on mobile devices and cross-device. We aim to bring together practitioners and researchers to discuss their recent breakthroughs and the challenges with addressing spatial and temporal information access, both from the algorithmic and the architectural perspectives.


We will welcome submissions related to all aspects of geographical and time-sensitive information access TAIA2015 will have a special focus on events, to include event detection, recommendation, and characterization.

* How can we detect and profile past & future events across social media channels? How can we best leverage our understanding of a user's location and time context to improve the ranking of places and content?
* How can we link coverage about past & future events in social media and traditional media?
* How can we detect event-centric queries and leverage temporal and spatial annotations in document to better serve them?
* How can we employ user generated content to describe places or paths according to their beauty, engagement, etc.
* Can we construct a profile of places of interest of users based on their social media streams?
* How can we profile small-scale events which are sparsely covered in social media?
* How can we model the footprint of a business from user social tagging behavior?
* Geo-temporal app usage patterns on mobile devices
* Geo-temporal analysis of cross-device search

In addition, TAIA2015 will welcome contributions on the following issues that complement current technologies in spatial and temporal information:

* Publicly available dynamic collections (e.g. Wikipedia edits, Wikipedia page requests, Twitter and news streams)
* Evaluation methodologies for geo-constrained and time-sensitive tasks
* Timeline creations and summarizations
* Spatial modeling of social media and Web content
* Spatial and temporal intent classification of queries
* Spatial and temporal natural language processing tasks and techniques
* Spatial and time-sensitive search result ranking
* Temporal changes in document contents


The submissions will be peer reviewed and must be formatted according to the ACM SIG proceedings template with a maximum length of 4 pages. We welcome both position papers and reports on on-going research.


Submission Deadline: May 4, 2015 (23:59UTC-11; Samoa time zone)
Acceptance Notifications: May 25, 2015
Camera-ready Deadline: June 15, 2015
Workshop: August 13, 2015


Klaus Berberich (Max Planck)
James Caverlee (Texas A&M University)
Miles Efron (University of Illinois)
Claudia Hauff (TU Delft)
Vanessa Murdock (Microsoft)
Milad Shokouhi (Microsoft)
Bart Thomee (Yahoo!)

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