Important Information
Experts, scientists, businesses are invited to share their research, business solutions or other experience with data and products from the Copernicus program – participate with presentation in the scientific and business sessions on 6.10.2020 - registration for the second day of the event is open – Scientific and Business Session 10.09.2020.
All presentations and video of the event could be found in each session from the Agenda of the Cope4BG2020.
The abstracts will be published online in the Proceedings with ISSN and DOI, and the presentations will be uploaded on the seminar website. the workshop reports will be published online and printed and in a proceedings with ISBN and DOI (indexed by CrossRef) by SRTI-BAS. Invited reports from the workshop will also be published in the journal “Aerospace Research in Bulgaria” (p-ISSN 1313-0927, e-ISSN 2367-9522, SRTI-BAS) indexed and referenced in ESCI (Clarivate, WoS), EBSCO Discovery Service, CrossRef, ADS (NASA), Google Scholar, etc. The Journal is included in the “National Reference List of contemporary Bulgarian scientific publications with scientific review” maintained by the National Centre for Information and Documentation.
Presentations must be presented within 20 minutes. For this you need to prepare a presentation and an abstract. Presentations and abstracts should be based on templates that you can download from the website.