Hello! Aloha! Namaskar! Ni Hau! Guten Tag! Privet! Salam-wale-kum! Hej! Ahoj! Bonjour! Terve! Ciao! Konnichiva! Selamat! Barev! Jum Reap Sour! Selamat! ahnnyeong ha se yo! Salvete! Moien! Selamat datang! Bonswa! sain baina uu! Kasto cha! Hallo! Salaam! Witaj! Sat sri akal! Dobro jutro! Bom dia! Zdravo! Hoezit! Kumusta ka! Li ho! Vanakkam! Sawa dee-krap! Dobriy ranok! Adaab! Xin chow! Sanibonani! Tere hommikust! Mingalarba!
Goa is back!
It's the time of the year when we welcome research done by the community as paper submissions for nullcon. So, sip your coffee, dust your debuggers, fire your tools, challenge your grey cells and shoot us an email.