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EEDAL 2013 : 7th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.eedal-2013.eu | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
Citizens and households are responsible for a large share of global energy and electricity consumption and the related greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. Residential energy demand is also rapidly increasing, due to a higher degree of basic comfort and level of amenities: larger homes, new services and new appliances and equipment (in particular information and communications technology, ICT), which is putting a strain on the economies and energy infrastructures of both developed and developing countries. Energy efficiency improvements in residential appliances, heating and cooling equipment, ICT equipment and lighting can play a key role in achieving a sustainable energy future and socio-economic development, and at the same time mitigate climate change. Energy efficiency measures related to residential appliances, heating equipment and lighting are in most cases highly cost-effective CO2 emission reduction actions, and offer good opportunity to increase the security and reliability of energy supply. In developing countries efficient residential appliances and lighting are vital to reduce household energy costs, to improve living conditions while reducing local pollution. In addition to technical progress on efficiency, large energy savings and carbon reduction can only be achieved with a paradigmatic change in consumer behaviour in the context of usage patterns of energy using products. These changes must be aided by “smart” product design providing automatic optimisation of energy and water resource usage for a given task and providing readily accessible feedback to the consumer to catalyse optimum usage patterns. These themes are echoed in a growing number of policy commitments and in strategies calling for action at local, regional, national and global levels. The challenge, now, is to ensure market, policy, trade and information barriers do not impede the timely development, delivery and proper use of energy efficient residential equipment, resulting in a missed opportunity for climate change mitigation, security of energy supply and socio-economic development, particularly considering the present global economy. Last, but not least, the consumer must accept these changes and not misuse energy saving on one side by energy consumption for other purposes. In addition, smart appliances and equipment, smart meters and communication protocols, allow households to be a key part of the smart grids, with storage, load flexibility and generation capabilities through renewable energies and demand response and system energy savings. The international community of stakeholders dealing with residential appliances, equipment, metering and lighting (including manufacturers, retailers, consumers, governments, international organisations and agencies, academia and experts) have already gathered six times at the International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting (EEDAL) (Florence 1997, Naples 2000, Turin 2003, London 2006, Berlin 2009, Copenhagen 2011) to discuss the progress achieved in technologies, behavioural aspects and policies, and the strategies that need to be implemented to further progress this important work. The previous EEDAL conferences have been very successful in attracting an international audience, representing a wide variety of stakeholders involved in policy implementation and development, as well as the manufacturing and promotion of energy efficient residential appliances and lighting. The EEDAL conference has established itself as an influential and recognised international event where participants can discuss the latest developments, establish synergies and build international partnerships among stakeholders. Following the success of the previous EEDAL conferences, the University of Coimbra and the European Commission Joint Research Centre, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme, the International Energy Agency, and the Collaborative Labeling and Appliance Standards Program (CLASP), are pleased to announce: the 7th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting – EEDAL’13 11-13 September 2013 Coimbra, Portugal EEDAL'13 will provide a unique forum to discuss and debate the latest developments in energy and environmental impact of residential appliances and lighting, heating and cooling equipment, ITC equipment, smart meters and smart grids, consumer behaviour, the policies and programmes adopted and planned, as well as the technical and commercial advances in the dissemination and penetration of technologies and solutions, particularly: energy efficient residential appliances, consumer electronics and ICT, heating and cooling equipment and lighting. The three-day conference will include plenary sessions where key representatives of governments and international organisations, manufacturers and academia will present their views and programmes to advance energy efficiency in residential appliances and lighting, for example, through international co-operation on product information and eco-design requirements. Parallel sessions on specific themes and topics will allow in-depth discussions among participants. The conference will also host ad-hoc workshops to review and advance international collaboration and will provide opportunities strengthen existing and promote new initiatives and partnerships. Call for Abstracts To contribute to the success of the conference and to facilitate the adoption of new energy efficient technologies, a change in consumer behaviour, and the development of new policies and strategies to increase energy efficiency, to mitigate climate change and to foster sustainable development, we invite you to participate in the conference and the debates and to submit abstracts on the following topics. Papers can focus on polices, programmes including monitoring, evaluation and international collaboration), smart grids and smart metering, new technology developments and user behaviour. All papers shall address new and original developments. For the sessions on technologies, in particular only papers focusing on new advanced solutions will be considered, in addition papers shall not be of commercial nature. Some potential topics for papers are listed below; other suitable paper topics that meet the above criteria will also be considered. Topics related to Consumer Behaviour, Polices and Programmes: 1. Opportunities for International Co-operation: focusing on where international co-operation is helpful or necessary to drive innovation and competition: on proposed or new initiatives, policy measures and programmes and on specific issues such as standardisation, harmonisation, test methods convergence, implementation and compliance, and benchmarking. 2. Climate Change: impact of appliances, lighting and residential programmes, potential of clean development mechanism (CDM), joint implementation (JI), green investment scheme (GIS), carbon credits, and other funding mechanisms. 3. Lifestyles and Consume Behaviour: looking ahead at how demand for new products and services is developing; exploring the scope for changes in consumer behaviour by fostering sufficiency and a change in life style. Influence of social networks towards a more sustainable behaviour. 4. Focus on Developing Countries and Economies in Transition: different approaches and strategies, policy framework, institutional aspects, capacity building needs, establishment of testing labs, new international partnerships. 5. Strategies for Increasing Efficiency: new policy tools, consensus building, voluntary vs. mandatory approaches, policy analysis and evaluation, stimulating innovation (nationally and internationally), new programmes and barrier analysis, strategy development, priority setting, monitoring and review. 6. Standards and Labels (mandatory, voluntary, endorsement label and quality marks): design of and evaluation of programmes, impact of programmes, engineering and statistical analysis, the importance of compliance and enforcement, searchable databases, implementation of the EU Eco-Design Directive for Energy Related Products and EU labelling Directives, new EU labelling scheme, including new studies, ENERGY STAR, international harmonisation initiatives. 7. Measurement Methods and International Harmonisation: role of international standardisation bodies, harmonisation of test methods as a mean of removing trade barriers, convergence of test methods, new generation of test methods for intelligent appliances and equipment, potential for harmonizing around efficiency “tiers” rather than common specifications. 8. Public and Green Procurement: policy design and evaluation, instruments, implementation, results, potential for harmonisation (within and among countries). 9. Market Transformation Programmes: programme design and implementation, promotion campaigns, advertising campaigns, tools for information and advice for multipliers and end-users, other tools to promote the market transformation. 10. End-use Metering and Home Automation: programme design, methodologies, campaign results, advanced meters, informative billing, role of home automation is saving energy. 11. Demand Response: electricity tariffs for the residential sector (time-of-use, peak time rebate, critical peak pricing, real-time pricing), automated response by “smart devices” (smart thermostats, Home Area Network devices), programme design, programme evaluation, successful examples. 12. Energy Services, Energy Efficiency Funds, Demand Side Management and ESCOs: provisions of energy services, utilities' obligations, white certificates, DSM programmes, ESCOs role and potential in the residential sector, dedicated energy efficiency funds. 13. Programme and Policies Monitoring & Evaluation: methods for the monitoring and evaluation of programmes and polices, indicators, benchmarking, top down and bottom-up methodologies. Evaluation of energy and carbon savings. 14. Implementation and Enforcement of Policies: market surveillance and control, testing regime, products database to help enforcement, international collaboration. 15. Non Energy Issues and Benefits: wider sustainability, including water and resources consumption, life cycle analysis and eco-design, sustainability standards, waste implications during and at end of product life, impacts on job creation, fuel poverty and innovation. 16. Financing: innovative solution for financing efficient residential building, building refurbishment, renewable energy sources, and efficient appliances and equipment, including CDMs. 17. Home and Residential Building Retrofit Programmes: selection of efficient equipment in home retrofit programme (e.g. HVAC, lighting, etc.), implementation of retrofit programmes, consumer acceptance, financing, role of installers and manufacturers. Topics related to specific Technologies: 1. Residential Appliances/White goods (Refrigeration, Laundry, Dishwashing, Cooking): components’ efficiency, R&D, technologies, test methods, usage patterns, programmes, market trends, consumer behaviour, and the influence of product energy and resource usage feedback systems on that behaviour. 2. Residential HVAC and Water Heaters (Central Heating Boilers, Heat Pumps, Room Air-conditioners, Fans, Solar heaters), Water Heaters (gas, electric and solar), and Water Circulation Pumps: R&D, technologies, test methods, consumer behaviour, programmes, market trends, links to non-domestic markets. 3. Consumer Electronics (Televisions, Set Top Boxes, PVRs, DVDs, Audio, Digital TV services, Power Supplies, Telephony), Office Equipment1, Broadband Communication Equipment, and Low Power Modes: R&D, technologies, test methods, consumer behaviour, programmes, market trends, stand-by losses, active and low power mode, technology transfer from non-domestic market 4. Residential Lighting (Luminaires, control systems and Light Sources): LEDs, CFLs, R&D, technologies, test methods, consumer behaviour, programmes, market trends, lighting usage, distribution and perception in the residential sector. 5. Motor Technologies for appliances (motors for air-conditioners, fans, washing machines, refrigerators, circulation pumps, etc.) and Motor Control Technologies 1 Office equipment use and energy saving technology in the residential sector (VSDs, power electronics): R&D, technologies, test methods, programmes, market trends. 6. On-site (residential) Power Generation: micro-generation, integration of renewable energy sources, electricity distribution issues for the residential sector. 7. Net Zero Energy Residential Building and positive buildings: specific HVAC equipment for passive houses (very low energy houses), integration of equipment and appliances with whole building design, passive techniques, high efficiency ventilation, renewable energy sources. 8. Smart Appliances, Home Automation, Smart Homes, and Smart Grids: smart appliances and equipment, smart meters and communication protocols, home energy management systems, households to be a key part of the smart grids, with storage and generation capabilities through renewable energies and demand response. Electrification of transport and implication for home energy systems, Domestic networks (security, automation, etc.) and their impact on energy consumption, Internet connected appliances, intelligent and advanced meters, technologies for real time pricing product energy and resource usage feedback systems using LAN communication to smart phones, tablets and PCs. Instructions for Authors Authors interested in submitting papers are requested to send an abstract not exceeding 400 words in length and not less than 200 words. The abstract must be in English, typed, and shall contain the following information: 1. Main author name and affiliation, authors for correspondence with full postal address, tel. and fax numbers, and e-mail, and co-authors names and affiliation. 2. The relevant topic selected from the list above 3. Up to five keywords 4. Abstract Abstracts are due by November 23th, 2012 Abstracts shall be e-mailed to gueorgui.trenev@ec.europa.eu Conference Information For further information visit the conference website: • www.eedal-2013.eu http://iet.jrc.ec.europa.eu/energyefficiency/upcoming-events or call Paolo Bertoldi at +39 0332 78 9299 Conference Deadlines 2012 November 23: abstracts are due to conference secretariat 2012 December 21: notification of abstracts acceptance 2013 March 10: draft papers are due to the conference secretariat 2013 May 10: reviewers’ comments will be sent to authors 2013 June 28: final papers due to the conference secretariat 2013 September 11-13: conference takes place in Coimbra, Portugal. |