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web2nle 2009 : Web 2.0 and Natural Language Engineering tasks | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.iiconference.org/iicai09/web2nle.html | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
Workshop on
Web 2.0 and Natural Language Engineering tasks at the 4th Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI-09) December 16-18, 2009, Tumkur (Bangalore), India http://www.iiconference.org/iicai09/web2nle.html In recent years, we have witnessed the emergence of a new platform of collaborative communication on the World Wide Web: the Web 2.0. In the Web 2.0 paradigm, users are not purely receptors of information, but also generate new content through the use of new communication and authoring tools such as forums, blogs, wikis, etc. A large body of digital information has become available in multiple languages making up what is the largest communication and collaborative platform in history. Different levels of formality and subjectivity of the language are used in this scenario which allows to address topics such as: - Clustering the blogosphere - Blog summarization - Subjectivity in texts - Sentiment analysis - Automatic humour recognition - Folksonomies and social tagging - Clustering and visualization of tag clouds - Plagiarism detection of ideas - Opinion analysis - Sources of opinions and authorship attribution - Product analysis and text-based market analysis - Enterprise 2.0 search Paper Submission and Publication ---------------------------------------------------------- Authors are encouraged to submit the papers for this workshop at https://www.easychair.org/login.cgi?conf=web2nle The papers should be in PDF format and should be formatted according to the Springer Lecture Notes instructions. The length of a paper should not exceed 20 pages. Shorter papers or papers on the work currently in progress are also welcome. The first page of the paper should contain the name(s) of the authors, affiliations, the postal and email addresses. The second page just the title of the paper and at least 3 keywords appropriate to its content. Each paper will be peer reviewed by at least two experts in the topical area. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under the title of the workshop. Deadlines ------------------ May 10 2009: Paper manuscripts due. June 6 2009: Notification of acceptance. July 6 2009: Camera ready papers and Pre-registration due. December 16-18, 2009: Workshop @ the IICAI-09 Conference. Session Chairs -------------------------- Paolo Rosso, Universidad Politecnica Valencia, Spain email: prosso [at] dsic.upv.es URL: http://www.dsic.upv.es/~prosso/ Varma Vasudeva, IIIT Hyderabad, India email: vv [at] iiit.ac.in URL: http://www.iiit.ac.in/~vasu David Pinto, Benemerita Univesidad Autonoma Puebla, Mexico email: dpinto [at] cs.buap.mx URL: http://www.cs.buap.mx/~dpinto/ PROGRAM COMMITTEE ------------------------------------------ A Kumaran, Microsoft Research, India Amba Kulkarni, University of Hyderabad, India Cardiff John, Institute of Technology Tallaght, Ireland Clough Paul, University of Sheffield, England Errecalde Marcelo, Universidad Nacional San Luís, Argentina Mandar Mitra, ISI Kolkata, India Martí Toni, Universidad Barcelona, Spain Martínez Patricio, Universidad Alicante, Spain Molina Antonio, Universidad Politécnica Valencia, Spain Moreno Lidia, Universidad Politécnica Valencia, Spain Narayana Murthy Kavi, University of Hyderabad, India Prasad Pingali, IIIT Hyderabad, India Pushpak Bhattacharya, IIT Bombay, India Ratna Sanyal, IIIT Allahabad, India S Durga Bhavani, University of Hyderabad, India Sidorov Grigori, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico Sivaji Bandyopadhyay, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India Sobha L, AU-KBC, Chennai, India Stein Benno, Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany Strapparava Carlo, ITC-irst, Italy Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur, India Taulé Mariona, Universidad Barcelona, Spain Troussov Alexander, IBM, Ireland Ureña Alfonso, Universidad Jaén, Spain Zizka Jan, Mendel University, Czech Republic |