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eLearning Papers 2012 : eLearning Papers - Call for Papers Nº32: Mobile Learning


When Oct 20, 2012 - Nov 19, 2012
Where Europe
Submission Deadline Nov 19, 2012
Categories    elearning   education   mobile   creativity

Call For Papers

Today’s youth are growing up in a world very different from the world their teachers or parents knew when they were young. Where and how they learn is changing as mobile learning and social networking become part of their every day life. Ubiquitous access to social media, tools and knowledge resources is taken for granted, while passive teacher-directed work dominates life at school.

Open, social and participatory media have significant potential to transform learning and teaching. They offer numerous ways to communicate, collaborate and connect with peers. The range of free educational resources and tools is rapidly increasing. Cloud computing has enabled free or inexpensive access to applications that were once available only to those who were willing to pay premium license fees.

The gap between the potential and actual use of technology in education is a paradox. eLearning Papers seeks to facilitate the sharing of innovative and creative uses of technology to support learning among its readers. The upcoming 32nd issue focuses on mobile technology applications and their potential to enhance learning within the broad spectrum of education and training. Papers are welcome on any aspects related to the use of open, social and participatory media, cloud computing or mobile learning. Some suggested focus areas are listed below.

How do mobile devices enhance learning and creativity?
Mobile learning and creative classrooms
OER for mobile learning
Mobile learning management models and strategies
Learning design for mobile learning
Mobile learning platforms, devices and operating systems
Authoring tools and technologies for mobile learning
Content design and development for mobile learning
Platform specific applications for learning
Augmented reality in education
Mixed reality and mobile devices supporting learning
Mobile devices and schoolwork, in classrooms and beyond
Mobile devices supporting performance and learning at work
Low-tech mobile learning, e.g. the power of SMS

The article submission deadline is November 19th, 2012. The provisional date of publication is December, 2012. For further information and to submit your article, please contact:

Guest editor: Prof. Dr. Martin Wolpers, Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnik FIT

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