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FIT 2008 : 2nd International Workshop on Foundations of Interface Technologies


When Apr 5, 2008 - Apr 5, 2008
Where Budapest
Submission Deadline Dec 7, 2007
Notification Due Jan 8, 2008
Categories    embedded systems   computer science

Call For Papers

2nd International Workshop on
Foundations of Interface Technologies
FIT 2008

Budapest, April 5, 2008
Collocated with
ETAPS 2008


The FIT 2008 ( workshop is held as part of
ETAPS 2008.

Component-based design is widely considered as a major approach to
developing systems in a time and cost effective way. Central in this
approach is the notion of an interface. Interfaces summarize the
externally visible properties of a component and are seen as a key to
achieving component interoperability and to predict global system
behavior based on the component behavior. To capture the intricacy of
complex software products, rich interfaces have been proposed. These
interfaces do not only specify syntactic properties, such as the
signatures of methods and operations, but also take into account
behavioral and extra-functional properties, such as quality of
service, security and dependability. Rich interfaces have been
proposed for describing, e.g., the legal sequences of messages or
method calls accepted by components, or the resource and timing
constraints in embedded software. The development of a rigorous
framework for the specification and analysis of rich interfaces is
challenging. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers
who are interested in the formal underpinnings of interface

Topics of interest:

* Modeling of rich interfaces, handling aspects like
o timeliness
o QoS
o safety
o reliability
o fault-tolerance
o security
o resource constraints
o etc
* Design methods for interfaces, design by contract
* Verification & analysis of interfaces
o abstraction
o refinement
o assume/guarantee reasoning
o compositionality
o property preservation
* Domain-specific interfaces, use of interfaces, case studies

FIT embraces an inclusive formula that emphasizes interaction and
discussion. No formal proceedings shall be published, except for hard
copies distributed to participants. You are encouraged to submit new
results, work in progress, work already published, or work submitted for
publication elsewhere. Submissions will be judged on general quality and
prospective interest to workshop participants.

We are considering soliciting a special journal issue for selected
papers after the workshop has been held.


Submissions should be send by email to

Papers should be between 5 and 15 pages in Springer's LNCS style,
excluding a clearly marked appendix, which will be reviewed at the
program committees discretion.


FIT 2008 will be collocated with ETAPS 2008 in Budapest. Workshop
registration is handled by ETAPS organization committee.

Albert Benveniste (IRISA / INRIA, Campus de Beaulieu)
Mari??lle Stoelinga (University of Twente)


Holger Hermanns (Saarland University)
Micheal Huth (Imperial College London)
Kim G. Larsen (University of Aalborg, CISS)
Rupak Majumdar (University of California, Los Angeles)
Flemming Nielson (The Technical University of Denmark)
Jakob Rehof (University of Dortmund, ISST)
Mari??lle Stoelinga (University of Twente)
Andrzej Wasowski (IT University of Copenhagen)
Lenore Zuck (University of Illinois, Chicago)


Paper Submission December 14, 2007
Acceptance Notification January 8, 2008
Camera Ready January 25, 2008
Workshop April 5, 2008

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