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ITiCSE 2013 : Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education


Conference Series : Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education
When Jun 29, 2013 - Jul 3, 2013
Where Canterbury, UK
Submission Deadline Jan 13, 2013

Call For Papers

Documents proposed for conference presentation should be high quality, unpublished, original work and submitted on-line. The official language of the conference is English. Submissions should use clear, ordinary grammar and avoid the use of colloquialisms that might be difficult for those who speak English as a second language.

Pages and deadlines for submissions are limited by the category of submission. Note that reviewers will assume they are reviewing completed works, as they will eventually appear in the conference proceedings. Do not submit incomplete drafts.

Authors of papers must submit an anonymous version with all references to the authors removed (including author's names and affiliation plus identifying information within the body of the paper such as websites or related publications). After a paper is accepted, authors will be asked to submit a camera ready version which includes all the author details and identifying information.

Authors of all other submission types are required to submit a version which includes authors' names etc.

Electronic submission is required. All submissions should be in Portable Document Format (PDF). To submit your work, visit the online submission web site. There you will find a submission form that requires you to enter the type, title and topic of your submission, plus author contact information.

All submissions must adhere to the ITiCSE 2013 formatting instructions, detailed below.

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