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ANNPRG 2015 : Artificial Neural Networks and Pattern Recognition in Geosciences


When Nov 9, 2015 - Nov 12, 2015
Where Istanbul Turkey
Submission Deadline May 17, 2015
Notification Due Jul 12, 2015
Final Version Due Jul 31, 2015
Categories    artificial intelligence   neural network   GEOSCIENCES   fuzzy logic

Call For Papers

Session title: Artificial Neural Networks and Pattern Recognition in Geosciences
Session Organizers: (1)Sid-Ali Ouadfeul and (2)Leila Aliouane.
(1)Algerian Petroleum Institute, IAP, Algeria
(2) LABOPHYT, FHC, UMBB, Boumerdes, Algeria

Event: 22th International Conference on Neural Information Processing

Call for papers and session description:

Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have become very useful tools in geosciences. For example, in petrophysics they are used for lithofacies recognition and reservoir characterization from well-logs data. In gravity and magnetism, the ANNs are used for contacts identification and causative sources characterization and in seismology; the ANNs are used for earthquake characterization. In seismic data processing, the artificial neural networks are used for waveform inversion, automated picking of seismic first-arrivals, and automatic interpretation of seismic horizons… etc. In electromagnetism, the ANNs are used for Interpretation of airborne data and in climatology; they are used for sunspot prediction and solar climate trends in climatology databases...etc.
In oceanography, the ANNs are used for segmentation and classification of topographic profiles of ridge-flank seafloor …etc.
We would like to invite you to submit a contribution to the special session titled: Artificial Neural Networks and Pattern Recognition in Geosciences. It will be organized under the 22th International Conference on Neural Information Processing. It will be held at Istanbul, Turkey from 9 - 12 November 2015.

This session aims at bringing together scientists who are active in Artificial Neural Networks and Pattern Recognition in Geosciences and to show the utility of these tools in earth sciences.
Potential researchers are invited to submit papers related to Artificial Neural Networks and Pattern Recognition in Geosciences.
The session will focus on Artificial Neural Networks and Pattern Recognition in the following area and other relevant research:

Petrophysics/Well-logs data.
Seismic method.
Gravity/Magnetic (Potential field) methods.
Fractal Analysis combined with Neural Network.
Wavelet Transform approach combined with Neural Network.
New Learning techniques in geosciences.

Potential authors should submit a paper describing their work in one of the areas described above. All accepted papers will be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) and/or special issues of SCI journals.

Submission of a paper constitutes a commitment that, if accepted, one or more authors will attend the conference. On-line submission via EasyChair will be made available on this web-site timely. The EasyChair web page of the special session is:
Best Regards
Dr Sid-Ali Ouadfeul

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