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ICNSC 2014 : Special Session on Applications of Multi-Agent Systems and Optimization Techniques


When Apr 7, 2014 - Apr 9, 2014
Where Miami, FL, USA
Submission Deadline Nov 1, 2011
Notification Due Dec 1, 2011
Final Version Due Dec 25, 2011
Categories    multi-agent systems   optimization techniques

Call For Papers

The idea of the multi-agent system includes cooperation between autonomous software agents, located in the certain environment to complete a given task. Each of agents does not have all of the information needed to complete the task on his own, so that he must communicate with the other agents to find a solution. Distribution of the tasks to the numerous agents is very convenient in the modern computer systems architectures due to the fact that many communication protocols have been developed since the first works in the domain of the multi-agent systems had appeared.

Previous research proved that the multi-agent systems can be successfully applied in many significant areas of nowadays life. Many of them require special constrained and multi-objective optimization techniques either for agent training or for decision making purposes. Special session topics of interest include applications of multi-agent systems and/or optimization techniques for the problems of:

- Constrained and multi-objective numerical optimization
- Decision making processes
- Vehicle routing and path-finding
- Network design
- Security in the computer systems
- Complex system management
- Emergency planning
- Urban infrastructure systems
- Knowledge based systems
- Smart vision and image processing
- Other related topics

Paper submission:

Complete manuscripts must be electronically submitted through the conference website. Submitted manuscripts should be six (6) pages in IEEE two-column format, including figures, tables, and references. Please use the templates at Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings from the conference website to prepare your paper. All submissions MUST be in PDF format.

Related Resources

EUMAS 2025   The 22nd European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems
DSA 2025   The 12th International Conference on Dependability Systems and Their Applications
ICAART 2025   17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
AAMAS - 2025   The 24th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
EXTRAAMAS 2025   7th International Workshop on EXplainable, Trustworthy, and Responsible AI and Multi-Agent Systems
AMSTA 25 2025   19th International Conference on Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: Technology and Applications (AMSTA-25)
IEEE CEC SS IMLMEO 2025   Special Session on Integrating Machine Learning Methods into Evolutionary Optimization
KES-IDT 2025   17th International KES Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies
WMAC 2025   AAAI 2025 Workshop on Advancing LLM-Based Multi-Agent Collaboration
PAAMS 2025   23rd International Conference on Practical applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems