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DHRA 2023 : Digital Research in Humanities and Art Conference


When Sep 11, 2023 - Sep 13, 2023
Where Turin - Italy
Submission Deadline Feb 20, 2023
Categories    digital media   digital heritage   digital humanities

Call For Papers

DHRA 2023

Call for Proposals

DRHA (the 27th Annual Conference for Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts) will bring together artists, scholars, educators, curators, digital researchers, and entrepreneurs interested in the ways digital technologies intersect with the arts and humanities. The 2023 conference celebrates the interplay between notions of intangible and tangible heritage, investigating how digital strategies can be used to widen participation, facilitate inclusivity, and promote a wider range of ways of appreciating and understanding the intersections between our tangible and intangible heritage.

Cultural heritage plays a key role in shaping societies, identities, nations, and it has a strong relevance as an asset in the economies of many countries (not only in highly developed economies). It is important that individuals, communities and institutions develop a strong engagement with their cultural heritage, both in terms of social awareness and economical exploitation. That means researchers in cultural heritage must enter in a dialogue with notions such as citizenship, social cohesion, political engagement, accessibility as well as with the powers that govern and influence society such as political authorities, economic players, industries, and media providers.


The conference programme will include paper sessions, keynotes, panel discussions, performances and artworks, workshops, and posters.

Topics addressed may include but are not limited to:

* Museums and Digital Media
* Documenting and Conserving Digital Art
* Performance, Dance and Opera in Museums
* Film and Digital Heritage
* Music and Sound in Museums and Exhibition
* New trends in Literature and Digital Humanities
* VR, XR and Cultural Heritage
* Collaboration between Science and Art in Cultural Heritage
* Conservation and Communication of Cultural Heritage
* Online communities for Cultural Heritage
* Immersive experiences, including audio and digital soundscape
* Creative industries in Museums and Heritage
* Design of Digital Experience for Cultural Heritage
* Participation and inclusion with Digital Media
* Fostering citizenship, social cohesion, political engagement, and accessibility through Digital Heritage
* Digital Heritage’s impacts on the Experience Economy and the Creative Industrial Sector
* Communicating Digital Heritage
* Digital Curatorship
* Conservation through VR, XR and Metaverse
* AI curation and AI for Cultural Heritage
* Digital archaeology
* Sustainability and digital Cultural Heritage
* Computer Science as Cultural Heritage

Submission Guidelines and key dates

Please submit an abstract of up to 500 words accompanied by a short biography of up to 150 words by (was 1 February 2023) 20 February 2023 (extended deadline). For artworks and performances, please also submit images, videos, space requirements and installation plans if relevant.

We accept submissions via EasyChair.

Notification of acceptance: early April 2023

Final submission (proceedings): end of November 2023


The Conference Program and Extended Abstracts will be available in digital format (web and pdf).

Selected contributions will be collated and published (after peer review) in a volume of the Mimesis Journal Book series (Accademia University Press, Torino, IT) as well as in an Open Source platform (


The conference will take place in Turin but also welcome online contributions. All sessions will be streamed for registered online delegates.

Related Resources

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