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PMWS 2012 : Second Workshop on Personalised Multilingual Web Science (PMWS 2012)


When Jun 21, 2012 - Jun 21, 2012
Where Evanston, IL
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    information retrieval   personalisation   multilingual search   web science

Call For Papers

The Second Workshop on Personalised Multilingual Web Science (PMWS 2012)

Workshop date: 21. June 2012
Location: Evanston, IL (co-located with WebSci 2012 and NetSci 2012)
Submission deadline: 1. June 2012

The main goals of the workshop are:

1) to develop a roadmap to follow which identifies the different research
challenges that need to be faced to envisage, design and implement
personalised multilingual web systems and tools of use for the end-user;

2) to discuss and set up a strategy to follow for the identification of the
process to use for the evaluation of PMW systems, in addition, to define the
collection of web documents to use to evaluate such types of systems together
with the metrics to use.

Personalised multilingual web science has to be viewed as an interdisciplinary
research task, as it can include ideas from adaptive hypertext, user modelling
for adaptive hypertext, personalisation for Web and hypertext, human-computer
interaction, and interactive authoring environments.


Our first workshop on Personalized Multilingual Hypertext Retrieval took place
in conjunction with the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia 2011 and
attracted researchers working in interdisciplinary Web areas. Following the
success of this workshop, we think that the current workshop topics are
relevant and suitable for the Web Science Conference. Search engines have
traditionally followed a “one size fits all” paradigm and returned the
same results for all users. They do not adapt to the user, the domain, or the
search context. Thus, the search process and the number and type of results
returned are not tailored to the individual user or her/his search
situation. Personalised Web Science is concerned with adapting the search
process to the user’s needs. This includes adapting the system, the
query-document similarity metrics, the search results, and their presentation
to an individual user. The personalisation process can be based on models of
the user, the domain, and the search context, but no standard representation
or resources have evolved to-date.


Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Multilingual semantic search and intelligent information retrieval,
extraction and filtering (e.g. How does a multilingual setting affect
personalised Web Science?)
- Multilingualism in semantic search or in context-aware and semantic
recommender systems
- Recommender systems, adaptation engines, algorithms for personalised
multilingual Web Science
- User modelling and adaptation (e.g. creation and exploitation of individual
or stereotypical user profiles)
- Content personalisation and personalised result presentation (e.g. result
presentation beyond the ranked list to enable users to fully benefit from the
semantics carried by the hypertext structure)
- Domain modelling (e.g. adaptation to different domains)
- Creating relevant linguistic resources (processing user models, query logs
or forum postings); privacy issues
- External knowledge resources for personalised multilingual Web Science
(e.g. ontologies)
- Personalized and multilingual ontologies (and their application)
- Personalisation of multilingual tools; tools and methods for bilingual search
- Evaluation methodologies and metrics for personalised Web Science


We invite researchers to submit full papers of between 6 and 8 pages
(including references) or short papers of up to 2 pages. Long papers
constitute an excellent opportunity to publish citable, in-depth descriptions
of systems and ongoing research. Submissions must be in English. Reviewing of
papers will be double-blind by the members of the program committee, and all
submissions will receive several independent reviews.

Authors of selected accepted papers will be invited to present their research
at the workshop. Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the

Papers must be submitted electronically, in PDF format and formatted using the
ACM camera-ready templates available at .

For paper submissions we use EasyChair, see

Date and Location

Location: co-located with WebSci 2012, Evanston, IL
Date: 21. June 2012

Important Dates
Deadline for submission: 1. June 2012
Notification of acceptance: 8. June 2012
Early registration deadline: N/A
Revised version of papers: 15. June 2012
Workshop: 21. June 2012


Ernesto William De Luca
(Department of Information Sciences, University of Applied Sciences
Potsdam, Germany)
Johannes Leveling
(School of Computing and CNGL, Dublin City University)
Ivo Keller
(Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany)

Further Information

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