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SocioAware 2012 : Second International Workshop on Socio-Aware Networked Computing Systems


When Sep 10, 2012 - Sep 10, 2012
Where Lyon, France
Submission Deadline Jul 18, 2012
Notification Due Aug 1, 2012
Final Version Due Aug 24, 2012
Categories    computer networks   social networks   network science

Call For Papers


The Second International Workshop on Socio-Aware Networked Computing Systems
- SocioAware 2012 -

at the 6th IEEE International Conference on
Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SaSo)

September 10th, 2012
Lyon, France


Submission Deadline: July 18th, 2012
Notification of Acceptance: August 1st, 2012


Social services and utilities pervade more and more aspects of our daily lives and will conceivably become an integral part of future software systems. While it is common and important to investigate how the associated gradual convergence of social and technical systems influences individuals and society, the fact that this influence is mutual is far less explored. Networked computing infrastructures involving cloud computing, virtualization techniques, Peer-to-Peer technologies or other Internet-based applications are shaped not only by technological considerations but, increasingly, also by the social structures and processes into which they are embedded. The growing interconnectedness of users leads to highly correlated behavior and the emergence of collective phenomena which naturally retroact on the technical systems by which they are mediated. Content distribution technologies need to adapt to quickly changing user demand and respond to an increasingly fast, viral propagation of Internet phenomena. Likewise, the process of malware contagion in networked computing systems is crucially influenced by social processes. The popularity of micro-blogging services lastingly changes the way people communicate and new patterns of communication are being established. Finally, the availability of large-scale data on social structures and processes ñ partly in real-time ñ facilitates novel adaptation strategies as well as the modeling, simulation and operation of networked systems.

This workshop seeks to shed light on the question how the increasing pervasion of technical infrastructures with social aspects affects the engineering of reliable and scalable networked computing systems. A particular focus will be laid upon the question how the ongoing trend towards a rigorous mathematical modeling of self-organization processes in social systems (for instance in the language of complex networks, dynamical systems and random matrix theory) can influence and inspire the design of distributed algorithms, network topologies and communication protocols, resulting in what may be called socio-aware networked computing systems.


This workshop intends to address the above general questions in the context of a variety of different networked computing systems. The workshopís focus includes but is not limited to the following topics:

* Socio-aware overlay topologies
* Modeling of information spreading and opinion formation phenomena
* Predictability of Internet meme evolution
* Socio-awareness in scalable content distribution
* Real-time monitoring of and (self-)adaptation to collective user dynamics
* Social adaptation of application-layer protocols
* Use of social aspects in the design of future Internet technologies
* Simulation and evaluation of interactive networked computing systems making use of socio-aware behavioral models
* Distributed detection of user communities in networked computing systems
* Topologies and protocols for distributed implementations of social networks
* Employing social structures in the provision of distributed virtual environments
* Socio-inspired, self-organizing structures in mobile computing applications
* Use of social structures in application-level routing schemes for Peer-to-Peer, wireless ad-hoc or delay tolerant networks
* Socially-inspired algorithms and network topologies for distributed search and consensus, collective decision-making, gossiping, information spreading, etc.

We particularly solicit interdisciplinary work that demonstrates how data, results and research questions from different scientific disciplines can be combined in a way that facilitates the engineering of reliable networked computing systems.


The organizers welcome the submission of papers of up to 6 IEEE two-column pages describing original work previously unpublished and currently not under review elsewhere. Position and work-in-progress papers are highly welcome. All submissions will be blindly reviewed by at least three members of the program committee.


For more information see or contact the organizers at


Peter Sturm (University of Trier, Germany)
Jean Botev (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Markus Esch (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Ingo Scholtes (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Bernd Klasen (SES ASTRA TechCom, Luxembourg)

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