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Cyberpatterns 2012 : The First International Workshop on Cyber Patterns: Unifying Design Patterns with Security, Attack and Forensic Patterns


When Jul 9, 2012 - Jul 10, 2012
Where Oxford, United Kingdom
Submission Deadline May 14, 2012
Categories    security   forensics   design patterns   software engineering

Call For Papers

There is a growing international community interested in software design patterns as representations of solutions to recurring design problems. There is significant work and interest in the security field on classifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses. This includes a substantial existing catalogue of attack patterns and a growing body of knowledge of security patterns. The emergence in digital forensics of forensic patterns could also be significant.

The aim of this workshop is to explore commonalities between the notion of patterns in these fields and to express them in a unified framework. Such a framework for the pattern abstraction would provide ways to:

* describe and reason about patterns across domains
* leverage insights gained from different domains
* manage complexity
* lay a precise foundation for the development of tools.

The workshop will include space for structured discussion of the opportunities and difficulties such a framework poses and for formulating an initial research road-map.

Keynote speakers
Dr. Kevin Lano of King's College London, UK, has kindly agreed to give a keynote speech at the CyberPatterns 2012. (4 May 2012)
Sean Barnum of MITRE, USA, has provisionally agreed to give a keynote speech at the CyberPatterns 2012. (4 May 2012)

14 May: Submission of position papers (new)
21 May: Notification of selection for presentation/ inclusion in proceedings (new)
22 June: Submission of full papers
22 June: Registration closes
9 - 10 July: Workshop

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