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CHIC 2012 Lab 2012 : Cultural Heritage in CLEF


When Sep 17, 2012 - Sep 20, 2012
Where Rome, Italy
Abstract Registration Due May 15, 2012
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    cultural heritage   information retrieval   evaluation

Call For Papers

CHIC is a pilot lab at the CLEF conference following the workshop of the same name last year. The lab's goal is to increase our understanding on how to integrate examples from the cultural heritage community into a CLEF-style evaluation framework and how results can be fed back into the CH community.

--) Test collection used: Europeana data
--) Topics / queries: from Europeana query logs
--) Languages: English, French, German, multilingual

Three tasks have been developed for 2012:
* Ad-hoc retrieval: standard ad-hoc retrieval task measuring information retrieval effectiveness with respect to user input in the form of queries.
* Variability (diversity): requires a list of 12 objects per query(represents the first Europeana results page), which are relevant to the query and present a particular good overview over the different object types and categories (i.e. media type, content provider, query category, field match).
* Semantic enrichment: requires a ranked list of at most 10 related concepts (terms or phrases) for a query to semantically enrich the query and / or guess the user's information need or original query intent.

For further questions, please contact Vivien Petras (vivien.petras at

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