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BUIRC 2016 : Botho University International Conference: “Multidisciplinary Research, Innovation And Transformation Towards A Knowledge Based Society”


When Nov 10, 2016 - Nov 11, 2016
Where Bostwana, South Africa
Submission Deadline Jun 30, 2016
Notification Due Jul 30, 2016
Final Version Due Sep 30, 2016
Categories    conference   business & finance   science, engineering   applied sciences

Call For Papers

Botho University is pleased to announce the annual international multidisciplinary research conference on Science, Engineering & Technology, Education, Business & Finance, and Hospitality & Tourism.

Knowledge-driven organizations including universities are greatly affected by the rapid advances in information and communications technology. These technologies have vastly increased our capacity to know and to do things and to communicate and collaborate with others.

It is against this background that the conference will provide a global platform for academics, researchers, industry, practitioners, policy makers, and students to participate and share their work and experiences through the presentation of high-quality research on topics relating to innovation, transformation in all areas of academic, research and industry, drawing from a multidisciplinary perspective towards a knowledge based society.

Dates: 10-11 November, 2016

Venue: Botho University, Gaborone, Botswana

Submission of Abstracts deadline 30 June, 2016

Notification to Authors 30 July 2016

Early Registration Deadline 30 August 2016

Hotel Reservation 15 September 2016

Full Paper deadline 30 September 2016

Conference communication:

Botswana: US$ 150
SADC: US$ 190
International: US$ 250

For further and detailed information please visit the following link:

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